
Munch 2023


En dag vil Edvard Munch blive betragtet som en af verdens vigtigste moderne malere. Men i sin livstid bliver den norske kunstner misforstået af sine fagfæller. Han kæmper med alkoholproblemer og er knust af sorg, da han mister sin storesøster. Da Munch på dramatisk vis bliver indlagt på en nerveklinik i København, tvinges han til at tage sit livs største og mest afgørende beslutning.


Kings Bay

Kings Bay 2017


I 1962 omkom 21 minearbejdere i Kings Bay-minen på Svalbard. Hvad der udløste eksplosionen er stadig et mysterium. Regeringen Gerhardsen måtte gå af, men vidste de noget, ingen har fortalt? Hvad hvis det ikke var en ulykke? En journalist fra avisen Nordlys i Tromsø modtager en anonym pakke med gamle russiske lydbånd.


War Sailor

War Sailor 2023


When WWII erupts, two sailors on a Norwegian merchant ship face brutal conditions as they fight to survive a conflict they were never asked to join. Based on true stories of Norwegian merchant sailors and their families during and after World War II.


Power Play

Power Play 2023


The incredible story of Gro Harlem Brundtland, who in the late 70s works as a young doctor, fighting for self-determined abortion, when she almost by accident, stumbles into politics. As the government implodes around her, Gro learns to play her own games of power, climbing the ranks until she is the last woman standing in the ruins of Labour’s celebrated social democracy, ending up as Norway’s first female Prime Minister in 1981.



Out 2022


Parts of Norway's queer history are seen through the eyes and hearts of more than 50 famous Norwegians.