In the Mood for Love

In the Mood for Love 2000


Da hr. Chow og fru. Chan finder ud af, at deres ægtefæller er dem utro, opstår der sympati og måske kærlighed mellem de to ensomme mennesker. Men de er bange for, at folk skal tro, at de også har noget kørende, og vælger derfor at gå hver til sit.


Mission: Impossible 3

Mission: Impossible 3 2006


Ethan Hunt har trukket sig tilbage fra jobbet som hemmelig agent, da han bliver lokket tilbage i tjenesten af sine overordnede. Nu står Ethan over for sin mest dødbringende fjende til dato - den hensynsløse våbenhandler Owen Davian! Med støtte fra sit team kaster Ethan sig ud i et forsøg på at redde den tilfangetagne agent og stoppe Davian, før han udraderer sit næste offer, Ethans kone, Julia.


Lust Caution

Lust Caution 2007


2. verdenskrig truer og den unge kvindelige spion Wong Chia-Chi (Wang Tei) bliver sat til at udspionere den højtstående japanske minister Mr. Yee (Tony Leung). Under dække som Mrs. Mak forsøger hun at komme ind på livet af ham, men hurtigt erfarer hun, hvor svært det er at være intim med fjenden uden samtidig at involvere sig følelsesmæssigt.


Kærlighedens slør

Kærlighedens slør 2006


Lægen Walter Fane bliver gift med den smukke Kitty, der kommer fra en prominent familie. Walters arbejde fører dem til Shanghai, hvor Kitty indleder et forhold til den britiske vicekonsul Charles. Da Walter opdager Kittys affære, så melder han sig frivilligt til at arbejde i en kinesisk landsby ramt af kolera. Det daglige arbejde i landsbyen sætter parrets forhold i perspektiv og giver deres liv ny mening.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life 2003


Skattejægeren Lara Croft kommer på en livsfarlig opgave, da hun skal opspore Pandoras æske. Legender siger, at alt liv stammer fra denne æske, men at æsken også kan lægge hele jorden øde igen. Under sin jagt på æsken rejser hun til det ene smukke og eksotiske sted efter det andet. Her møder hun adskillige skurke, som også ønsker at få fingre i æsken, bl.a. en skruppelløs terrorist og den kinesiske mafia. Heldigvis er Croft fænomenal på motorcykel, hest og jetski - og samtidig er hun toptrænet, god til kampsport og yderst hurtig på aftrækkeren!


Solens rige

Solens rige 1987


Jim Graham er en britisk, forkælet møgunge, der bor i Shanghai, da byen bliver invaderet af japanerne under Anden Verdenskrig. Han bliver adskilt fra sin familie og kommer i en japansk fangelejer, der udmærker sig ved den totale mangle på stuepiger, butlere og andre tjenende ånder. Nu må Jim lære at klare sig selv. På den hårde måde.


Shanghei Fortress

Shanghei Fortress 2019


I 2035 har aliens udslettet megabyer rundt om i verden for at få deres vigtigste energikilde, Xianteng. Vil Shanghai være i stand til at forsvare sig selv og måske endda starte et modangreb?



Fearless 2006


Jet Li spiller hovedrollen i denne action-fyldte martial arts-film, der er baseret på den virkelige historie om den kinesiske legende Huo Yuanja, der i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet modsatte sid udenlandske stormagter og med sin formidable kampsports-teknik forsvarede Kinas ære.


Kvinden fra Shanghai

Kvinden fra Shanghai 1947


Efter at have reddet den smukke Rosalie fra et overfald bliver sømanden Michael O’Hara hyret til en yacht, der tilhører hendes rige, men delvis invalide mand, Arthur Banister. Under turen fra New York til San Francisco bliver O’Hara forelsket i Rosalie. Samtidig får han et usædvanligt tilbud af Bannisters kompagnon George Grisby, men bliver snart anklaget for mord og befinder sig midt i et dødeligt og kompliceret drama af svindel og bedrag.


The Age of Shadows

The Age of Shadows 2016


Dramaet udspiller sig imellem modstandfolk, der kæmper for Koreas uafhængighed, og de japanske agenter, der prøver at stoppe dem. Omdrejningspunktet er forsøget på at smugle sprængstoffer ind i Seoul for at ødelægge vigtige japanske installationer. Det er et livsfarligt foretagende. Japanerne er i lige i hælene på vores helte, og det er hele tiden usikkert, hvem de kan stole på. Der er dobbeltagenter overalt, og de moralske dilemmaer bliver mere og mere komplicerede.



Shanghai 2010


I 1941 ankommer den amerikanske spion Paul Soames til det delvist japansk-besatte Shanghai, for at efterforske mordet på sin kollega Connor. Snart indleder han en affære med triadebossen Lan-Tings smukke kone. Men Shanghai summer af intriger, og hvor længe vil den japanske sikkerhedstjeneste blive ved med at tro på, at Soames blot er en harmløs journalist?


Glittering Days

Glittering Days 2006


Back in the days when there was no television, people would visit lounges to watch singers perform. Gam Yin is a semi-retired singer who now manages talent and tries to set them up with more places to perform. Unfortunately, fate has brought her in conflict with Ling Fung, a well-known but arrogant singer in Shanghai. Ling Fung hails from a small village and has worked his way up to stardom. His childhood friend Chu Yuk-Lan has had a crush on him since they were young. These characters' lives intertwine when Ling Fung experiences a reverse of fortune and Yuk-Lan quickly achieves fame.


Women on the Breadfruit Tree

Women on the Breadfruit Tree 2015


The story of three childhood friends as they navigate through early adulthood together in the city of Shanghai. Three different women, three different love stories – together they grow as individuals through their experiences in love and in sorrow.


Shanghai Bund

Shanghai Bund 2007


Shanghai Bund is a 2007 Chinese television series and a remake of the 1980 Hong Kong television series The Bund produced by TVB. Directed by Gao Xixi, the series starred Huang Xiaoming, Betty Sun, Li Xuejian and Huang Haibo in the lead roles.


Lord of Shanghai

Lord of Shanghai 2015


In a time when Shanghai was controlled by the merciless warlords, sworn brothers Kiu Ngo-Tin and Kung Siu-San have to rely on each other. Together, the ruthless Siu-San and the cunning Ngo-Tin create a world of their own, but in order to stay on top, Ngo-Tin has no choice but to leave his past behind completely, including his confidant and true love Ku Siu-Lau, a Peking opera apprentice. When Ngo-Tin catches the attention of a local casino boss, he is introduced to Kam Tong, Shanghai's most powerful tycoon. Along with Siu-San, Ngo-Tin and Kam Tong become legendary figures in Shanghai. But success is short-lived as a single city cannot accomodate three leaders; Siu-San and Kam Tong enter a battle for power, creating havoc in Shanghai.


My Sunshine

My Sunshine 2015


Years after two college sweethearts went their separate ways, Mosheng and Yichen rekindle their romance despite a barrage of challenges to their love.


Eighteen Springs

Eighteen Springs 2002


Eighteen Springs (also known as Affair of Half a Lifetime) is a 2003 drama-romance TV series based on the novel of the same name by Chinese author Eileen Chang. The series stars Ruby Lin, Patrick Tam, Jiang Qinqin and Li Liqun. It had the most simultaneous broadcasts on China cable/satellite TVs during 2004. The series was filmed in Shanghai and Taiwan.


Hengshan Hospital

Hengshan Hospital 2021


The drama takes place in republican era China in Hengshan Hospital, centered primarily on the conflict between the Communist Party and the KMT in 1930s Shanghai. Ma Tian Ming is a faithless, greedy, and selfish man who makes his living by cheating and lying. A coincidental accident drags Ma Tian Ming into a case in which he becomes the suspect. Trying to escape, he impersonated the chief doctor of Hengshan Hospital, Cai Li Kun. However, Ma Tian Ming soon found out that Cai Li Kun is a member of the underground Communist Party.


Detective L

Detective L 2019


Shanghai in 30s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate of police academy, Qin Xiaoman, joins the investigation unit. The famous detective Luo Fei becomes her colleague and neighbour.


Love Me If You Dare

Love Me If You Dare 2015


Getting inside the head of a violent criminal is not easy. But Simon Bo, a brilliant criminal psychologist, has the ability to get into the minds of even the most mysterious and violent criminals. He’s a professor at The University of Maryland and works as an analyst and advisor on the police department’s most violent or difficult cases. With the help of his young assistant, Jenny Jian, Simon delves into the thoughts and intentions of the criminal mind. As the daughter of a veteran police investigator with a deep sense of justice, can Jenny help Simon open up emotionally as they work together to solve crimes?


Pilgrimage of Wealth 2

Pilgrimage of Wealth 2 2013


Watch host Tony travel around the world and enjoy luxurious tourism with his companion Priscilla Wong. Destinations includes South Korea, Singapore, Shanghai etc. They enjoy what good money can buy, including great food, wine tastings, local culture.


Shanghai Vice

Shanghai Vice 1999


In a city where heroin dealing can bring the death sentence, drug rings mean business…and so do the police. The activities of the city’s vice squad – including high-level sting operations and the interrogations of murder suspects and drug runners - are at the heart of the stories.


Legendary Sin Cities

Legendary Sin Cities 2005


Of all the remarkable events of this century perhaps the most fascinating has been the spontaneous growth, flowering and then decay of a handful of great cities. These cities were places where art, culture and political liberties co-mingled with corruption, brutality and decadence. Everything and just about anyone could be bought and sold. The immigrant would struggle beside the artist. Gamblers, thieves and prostitutes co-habited with soul-savers, the rich and the powerful. The exhilarating combination of the seamy with the sublime made these places a magnet for all the lost souls and refugees of the world. Pushing the limits of tolerance and freedom, they defined the social, political and sexual culture of the 20th century. Their names ring out: Paris of the '20s, Berlin of the '20s and '30s and Shanghai of the '30s.