Berlin Alexanderplatz

Berlin Alexanderplatz 2020


Francis er flygtet fra Vestafrika. Han skyller op på en strandbred i Sydeuropa og ender i Berlin. Men vilkårene for en illegal indvandrer er nådesløse, og mødet med den psykopatiske gangster Reinhold driver Francis ind i en kriminel underverden, som ligger langt fra hans forestilling om et nyt og bedre liv. Men da han møder den prostituerede Mieze, finder han noget, som han aldrig har oplevet før - en lille smule lykke.



Barakamon 2014


After punching a famous curator in the face for criticizing his work as "textbook and lifeless," Handa Seishuu is sent to Gotō Island to calm his nerves and find new inspiration for his calligraphy. Growing up in the city all his life, though, Handa must adapt to country life while meeting an assortment of quirky people during his tenure.


Rikostarinoita Suomesta

Rikostarinoita Suomesta 2001


True stories of Finnish criminal acts. Most of the stories have been previously published in the Nordic Police Stories book series.


Sorry about that

Sorry about that 2024


Senja starts school at a junior high school occupied by well-to-do children. Senja has to lie about her social class and pretends to be rich.