Jakob og Peter Plys

Jakob og Peter Plys 2018


Peter Plys' gode ven Jakob, der tidligere var på en uendelig række af eventyr i Hundredmeterskoven sammen med sine elskelige og kloge tøjdyr, er nu blevet voksen og har glemt hvor han kommer fra. Så nu er det op til han barndomsvenner at drage ud i hans verden og hjælpe Jakob med at genfinde den søde og legesyge dreng, som stadig er inden i ham.


Dirty 30

Dirty 30 2016


På tærsklen til en Kates 30-års fødselsdag indvilliger hun i at lade sine to livslange venner, Evie og Charlie, holde en fest for hende. Men det, der formodes at være en simpel fest, bliver en vild, hvem er hvem af fortid og nutid, og tingene kommer hurtigt ud af kontrol.



Voksenliv 2021


Det kan være svært at blive voksen. Til tider kører det bare for én, andre gang er man bare en stabel børn, der gemmer sig i en trenchcoat og håber, ingen vil bemærke det. Det er præcis sådan, det er med Gia den aften, hun fylder 21. Det her er historien om den usikkerhed, man føler, når man nærmer sig voksenlivet, og om, hvordan vi alle lader, som om vi har styr på det, vi håber på en dag at få styr på.


Twenty Your Life On

Twenty Your Life On 2020


A story about the worries of youth as they enter adulthood is told from the perspective of four girls who are about the graduate from college. Being someone with no power nor looks nor money, Jiang Xiaoguo has always envied her three roommates. Duan Jiabao who comes from a wealthy family has simple desires. She is carefree and only cares about chasing after celebrities and eating good food. Luo Yan may despise her mother's tendency to become too overbearing, but at least she can rest assured that her future is in good hands.


I'll Do Better Next Life

I'll Do Better Next Life 2020


Omori Momoe is twenty-seven-years-old, single and works at Studio Delta. She is thin and attractive. She should be courting suitors and taking her pick of the crop. Well, actually she does. She is having sex despite being single. In fact, she is making herself available sexually to five different men. to her it is just a disposable and habitual object of pleasure. She is sensual, sexy and adds the pleasure of sex toys to her repertoire of pleasures.



Vingt-cinq 2018


At the age of 25, Jeremy cannot get over his breakup from his first love. Surrounded by his childhood friends, he starts over from scratch. He’s humiliated, makes mistakes and messes up some new firsts times in a funny and affectionate portrait of growing up in France


Son of a Donkey

Son of a Donkey 1970


We meet Theo just as he moves out of his home to claim his independence — until he's faced with the harsh realities of adulthood. From driving fines and daddy issues to internet scams and a lot of therapy, Theo and his best friend Johnny get up to their usual antics as they come to terms with what's most important: family.