Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London

Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 2004


Codys gamle CIA-agent-lærer er hoppet over på den anden side af loven og har stjålet en tophemmelig teknologi til at kunne styre folks hjerner med. Cody må på banen igen - og denne gang må han gå under jorden for at finde skurken. Han er tvunget til at spille studerende på en musikhøjskole for professionelle musikere og sørge for, at hans venner ikke opdager hans falske identitet. Imens Cody kæmper med klarinet og noder, indkredser han i al hemmelighed sin fjende - og sin indtil dato sværeste mission: At skulle kæmpe mod sin største fjende nogensinde: Den mand, som har lært ham alt, hvad han ved.


Agent Cody Banks

Agent Cody Banks 2003


Mød Cody Banks, en teenager der har styr på sit skateboard, men har det sværere med det pigerne. Cody er hemmelig agent for CIA og hans evner bliver sat på en hård prøve, da han skal infiltrere kredsen omkring Dr. Conners, der er ved at udvikle et farligt våben til forbrydersyndikatet ERIS. Bedste vinkel til at komme tæt på Dr. Conners er hans smukke datter, Natalie.


Alex Rider: Stormbreaker

Alex Rider: Stormbreaker 2006


Navnet er Rider. Alex Rider. Han tror, at han er en helt almindelig teenager. Lige indtil onkel Ian dør under mystiske omstændigheder og Alex opdager, at onklen absolut ikke var bankmand, men hemmelig MI6-agent - og godt i gang med at optræne sin yndlingsnevø i alle high-tech spionbranchens kneb og smarte tricks. MI6 har desperat brug for én, der kan fuldføre onkel Ians mission: at infiltrere millionæren Darrius Sayles organisation og afsløre den dødbringende hemmelighed bag den nye supercomputer: Stormbreaker. Men intet kan forberede Alex på det hæsblæsende eventyr, han bliver kastet ud i...


K.C. Undercover

K.C. Undercover 2015


K.C. Cooper, a high school math whiz and karate black-belt, learns that her parents are spies when they recruit her to join them in the secret government agency, The Organization. While she now has the latest spy gadgets at her disposal, K.C. has a lot to learn about being a spy, including keeping her new gig a secret from her best friend Marisa. Together, K.C. and her parents, Craig and Kira, and her younger siblings, Ernie and Judy (a humanoid robot), try to balance everyday family life while on undercover missions, near and far, to save the world.


The Famous Jett Jackson

The Famous Jett Jackson 1998


A boy named Jett Jackson plays a teenage secret-agent on a fictional TV show-within-a-show called Silverstone.


Mission: Yozakura Family

Mission: Yozakura Family 2024


Taiyo Asano has been on his own ever since his parents died and the only one who seems to care for him is his childhood friend and classmate, Mutsumi Yozakura. But Mutsumi has a secret—she is the head of a family of spies! And on top of that, her brother Kyoichiro is dangerously protective of her! To stop Kyoichiro from killing him, Taiyo and Mutsumi must take the ultimate leap—marriage! Because in the Yozakura family, family cannot kill family.


Alex Rider

Alex Rider 2020


Alex Rider is an ordinary teenager enlisted to work on behalf of MI6, where he uses skills he didn't know he had to become an extraordinary spy.


Aim High

Aim High 2011


A web series centered around a high school student with a double life as a teenage spy.


The New Adventures of Beans Baxter

The New Adventures of Beans Baxter 1987


The New Adventures of Beans Baxter is an adventure/comedy television series The show revolves around the spy activities of Benjamin "Beans" Baxter Jr., a Kansas teenager who just moved with his parents and younger brother to Washington, D.C., as part of his father's reassignment as an employee of the US Postal Service. Beans witnesses his father's assassination via a bomb placed in his postal vehicle, then gets hired by the mysterious "Number Two", an agent/second-in-command of The Network, a secret spy agency. The main nemesis of The Network is the evil organization UGLI, headed by the equally evil Mr Sue and comedian Taylor Negron as his second-in-command henchman. Shortly after settling in his new hometown, Beans struck up a friendship with an all-around guy nicknamed "Woodshop" and his love life began in earnest when he later met a beautiful student nicknamed "Cake Lace". In one episode, former Miss Universe Shawn Weatherly played herself.