Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024


Sonic, Knuckles og Tails genforenes mod en stærk ny modstander, Shadow, en mystisk skurk med kræfter, der ikke ligner noget, de har stået overfor før. Med deres evner overgået på alle måder, må Team Sonic opsøge en usandsynlig alliance i håb om at stoppe Shadow og beskytte planeten.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2022


I denne nye film har Sonic slået sig ned i Green Hill, hvor han vil bevise, at han er en ægte helt. Men snart vender Dr. Robotnik tilbage sammen med sin nye håndlanger Knuckles. Den gemene Robotnik leder efter en smaragd, der kan udslette civilisationer og føre hans onde planer ud i livet. Sammen med sin makker, den tohalede ræv Tails, drager Sonic derfor ud på et jordomspændende eventyr for at finde smaragden før Robotnik og hans håndlangere.


Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 2020


I Green Hills går der rygter. I skovene omkring den lille by huserer et væsen kaldet ”Den Blå Djævel”. Eller det kalder den lokale, skøre eneboer ham. Selv kalder han sig Sonic. Han har levet i skjul her på Jorden i årevis, levet af vores rester og lært vores menneskelige vaner at kende. Mest fra den lokale sherif, Tom Wachowski, som taler med sine donuts, når han keder sig, hans kæreste, Maddie, hvis yoga-øvelser fascinerer Sonic. Han har også lært baseball at kende. Den lille ensomme Sonic, som er i stand til at bevæge sig supersonisk hurtigt, forsøger at spille baseball med sig selv – og forårsager derved en kortslutning, som mørklægger hele den amerikanske vestkyst. Militæret beslutter at sende Dr. Robotnik i marken for at opspore og neutralisere denne fare for nationens sikkerhed. Selv søger Sonic sikkerhed fra den megalomane Robotnik hos Tom, der altid har drømt om at skifte lillebysheriffens kedsommelige liv ud med en opgave på liv og død. Han får din drøm opfyldt.


Luna og den magiske krystal

Luna og den magiske krystal 2019


Luna er ikke noget helt almindelig lille pindsvin. Hun er fuld af energi og har en meget levende fantasi. Hun elsker at fortælle sindsoprivende eventyr til alle, der vil lytte (og til alle, der ikke vil). Fælles for hendes fortællinger er, at hun altid selv optræder som den frygtløse heltinde, der redder verden. Så da Bjørnekongen stjæler den magiske krystal, der sørger for vand til skoven og skovens dyr, får Luna endelig en mulighed for at bevise sit store heltemod! Luna melder sig frivilligt til at skaffe krystallen tilbage, men de andre dyr griner hånligt af hende - et pindsvin kan da ikke udføre så farlig en mission. Men Luna insisterer, og på den fantastiske og farefulde mission tager hun egernet Tjum med - hendes bedste og eneste ven.


Det gavmilde lille pindsvin

Det gavmilde lille pindsvin 2014


Pindsvinet finder et saftigt rødt æble i skoven, men de andre dyr er også sultne. Heldigvis er pindsvinet god til at dele, og snart er der disket op til en regulær festmiddag.


Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 1993


A comical, light-hearted and gag-driven adventure series based on the titular character, an arrogant and mischievous yet kind-hearted teenage hedgehog with the power to move at supersonic speeds. Sonic, with his idolizing young friend Tails, regularly oppose the wicked Dr. Ivo Robotnik, his robot henchmen Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts, and thwart their plans to conquer their home planet of Mobius.


Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom 2014


The speedy blue hedgehog Sonic with sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman, who is hellbent on taking over the world. Sonic faces regular battles with Eggman's henchmen, including loyal robots Orbot and Cubot, evil interns, and giant, robotic monsters.


Sonic X

Sonic X 2003


After getting stranded on Earth, Sonic and his friends team up with 12-year-old Chris Thorndyke to collect all the Chaos Emeralds and defeat the evil Dr. Eggman.


Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 1993


Sonic, Tails, Princess Sally, and a band of freedom fighters battle to overthrow Dr. Robotnik, a despotic dictator who conquered their home planet Mobius years ago, and rules it as a polluted industrial dystopia.


The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog

The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog 2010


Sudden disappearances, strange natural phenomena, curious animal behavior, and even muddy footprints all call for Alfred's investigative and deductive reasoning skills. With a keen interest in technology, Alfred always carries a high-tech pocket device that stores clues and collects fingerprints. He isn't alone in his quest; his friends Camille and Milo are always by his side, helping him solve the mysteries of Gnarly Woods.


Sonic Prime

Sonic Prime 2022


When an explosive battle with Dr. Eggman shatters the universe, Sonic races through parallel dimensions to reconnect with his friends and save the world.


Sonic Underground

Sonic Underground 1999


Sonic, Sonia, and Manic are the children of Queen Aleena Hedgehog, the rightful ruler of Mobius, and are pursued relentlessly by Doctor Robotnik and his bumbling bounty hunters sidekicks, Sleet and Dingo. As infants, the siblings were separated and placed in hiding to fulfill a prophecy made by the Oracle of Delphius that the triplets would grow up to find their estranged mother, overthrow Robotnik, and take their places once more as Mobius' rightful rulers.


Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 1996


Sonic's nemesis Dr. Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. And if that wasn't bad enough, the devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. What should possibly make Sonic trust his worst enemy?


Sonic Mania Adventures

Sonic Mania Adventures 2018


Classic Sonic is back to his dimension after the events of Sonic Forces. He discovers Eggman is collecting the Chaos Emeralds and already has four of them. Sonic must gather all the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman.


Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings

Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings 2024


Past and present collide in a frantic chase for truth and understanding! Shadow is haunted by the memories of battles fought and lives lost. But these nightmares aren’t just lingering pain! They’re prompted by a force Shadow thought was destroyed.


Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps

Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps 2021


Set in the world of Sonic Colors, the story follows Sonic and Tails as they travel to Sweet Mountain with their new friend, a Jade Wisp, to free the captured Wisps from the evil Dr. Eggman and his henchrobots.


Team Sonic Racing Overdrive

Team Sonic Racing Overdrive 2019


Team Sonic, Team Rose, and Team Dark compete on the Wisp Circuit course, while Dr. Eggman is up to his usual trickery.