Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016


Det Galaktiske Imperium vil bygge et supervåben i det ydre rum. Våbendivisionens afdelingschef, Krennic, kidnapper videnskabsmanden Galen Erso, hvis forskning rummer nøglen til Dødsstjernens planetødelæggende kraft. En gruppe oprørere, anført af guerillasoldaten Saw Gerrera, vil stjæle plantegningerne til Dødsstjernen fra Imperiet. Til indsatsstyrken hverver de den slagkraftige Jyn, som er Galens datter.


En duft af kvinde

En duft af kvinde 1992


Charlie mangler penge til at komme hjem til jul, så han tager et job, hvor han skal passe den pensionerede, blinde oberst Frank Slade i en weekend. Det lyder umiddelbart som lette penge, men Frank har store planer for weekenden, som han vil tilbringe i New York med smukke kvinder, god mad og gang i den.


Don't Breathe

Don't Breathe 2016


Et par unge mennesker bryder ind i et hus for at berøve en blind mand. Snart er de indespærret i huset med lyset slukket og som ofre for en intens menneskejagt, hvor det er en fordel at være synshæmmet.


Don't Breathe 2

Don't Breathe 2 2021


Den blinde mand har gemt sig i flere år i en isoleret hytte og har taget ind og opdraget en ung pige, der var forældreløs fra en ødelæggende husbrand. Deres rolige liv sammen bliver knust, da en gruppe kriminelle kidnapper pigen og tvinger den blinde mand til at forlade sit sikre tilflugtssted for at redde hende.


Blindt raseri

Blindt raseri 1989


Nick Parker bliver såret i Vietnam og mister synet. En gruppe lokale finder ham, og herefter bruger Nick de næste 20 år på at tilegne sig færdigheder med et samuraisværd. Den tid viser sig at være godt givet ud, for da han langt om længe vender tilbage til USA, er sønnen til hans gamle ven rodet ind i nogle problemer med den lokale mafia. Og så er der brug for sværdet.






Blind Dating

Blind Dating 2006


Danny (Chris Pine, den nye Captain Kirk) er en frisk ung fyr, der har været blind, siden han blev født. Hans familie har gjort, hvad de kunne for at beskytte ham, men han tørster efter at komme ud og prøve kræfter med verden. Midt i det hele bliver Danny dog forelsket i den indiske pige Leeza, hvilket skaber en hel masse nye problemer, og Danny får tilbud om en ny eksperimental operation, der måske kan give han synet igen.



Rossabella 1997


A young blind man and a dancer unwittingly get tangled in the affairs of an underwear company called Rossabella.



Crush 2021


The series is based on the romance novel of the same name, which is originally named Qin He Yi Kan (衾何以堪) by Mu Fu Sheng. The series revolves around the love story between Su Nianqin and Sang Wuyan, who go through difficulties and finally grab their happiness.


Legal Mavericks

Legal Mavericks 2017


Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and ChiuChing-Mui, female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. Sun-Hop’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan, who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of Sun-Hop’s father and Tai Tin-Yan, fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which Sun-Hop may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery.


Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here 2023


When an aspiring blind comedian goes after his dreams, it's him and his best friend with cerebral palsy against the world, no matter what runs them over.


Romance With Blind Master

Romance With Blind Master 2023


Ren Hao Ming is the respected eldest son of the Ren Family. He has the life everyone envies until he gets hit by a car and loses his eyesight. Now blind, Hao Ming needs help with the simplest of tasks, like eating and bathing. He marries Ruan Qing Tian, but their relationship is more that of a master and servant. But what can a man do when his "maid" who's supposed to take care of him can't even help him eat or bathe? Well, he falls in love with her, of course...


Scent of New Dawn

Scent of New Dawn 2025


In Jiangcheng, the prestigious incense-making family is betrayed by their steward. Orphaned Lin Wanyue returns years later, seeking revenge, and joins forces with the steward’s son, Zhang Hanyi. Together, they rise from humble beginnings to confront their enemies and fate.


Miss Liang's Brilliant Love

Miss Liang's Brilliant Love 2023


Jewelry designer Liang Qiao Qiao's first job was to be the personal assistant of Jin Mo Qing, the blind president of the jewelry empire, and taking care of his daily life. Soon the couple fall in love with each other. However, things get complicated when Qiao Qiao discovers her boss's secret.


The Blind Witness

The Blind Witness 2018


A series of unexpected events that occurred in the life of Aarit, a blind genius, who later regains his eyesight.


Biano the Blind

Biano the Blind 2011


A blind young man gets hold of an amulet that makes him a deadly sharpshooter—-a special power he uses to help those in need.