Maskernes nat 3

Maskernes nat 3 1982


Halloween nærmer sig, da lægen Dan Challis sætter sig for at undersøge et mystisk mord på en legetøjssælger. Sporet fører ham til forretningsmanden Conals fabrik, der laver forskellige masker til højtiden. Det viser sig, at maskerne ikke er så uskyldige som først antaget, og den ellers så flinke Conal lægger nogle særdeles dystre planer.


Drengen og Sværdet

Drengen og Sværdet 2019


Filmen 'Drengen og sværdet' handler er en moderne udgave af legenden om Kong Arthur sat i det moderne England. Filmen følger Alex, der ved en tilfældighed finder og trækker det mytiske sværd Excalibur op ad en sten. Nu venter et eventyr, hvor vennerne må indtage rollerne som ridderne om det rundebord og få hjælp af troldmanden Merlin til at overvinde en ond troldkvinde.



Tess 1979


I 1800-tallets England må bondepigen Tess sande, at skønhed har sin pris. Da hendes fattige far erfarer, at han nedstammer fra den adelige familie d´Urberville, sender han Tess til at bo hos en fjern slægtning i håb om en økonomisk gevinst. Det bliver starten på en omtumlet tilværelse for den unge kvinde, der bliver kastebold mellem mændene.


A History of Britain

A History of Britain 2000


Stretching from the Stone Age to the year 2000, Simon Schama's Complete History of Britain does not pretend to be a definitive chronicle of the turbulent events which buffeted and shaped the British Isles. What Schama does do, however, is tell the story in vivid and gripping narrative terms, free of the fustiness of traditional academe, personalising key historical events by examining the major characters at the centre of them. Not all historians would approve of the history depicted here as shaped principally by the actions of great men and women rather than by more abstract developments, but Schama's way of telling it is a good deal more enthralling as a result. Schama successfully gives lie to the idea that the history of Britain has been moderate and temperate, passing down the generations as stately as a galleon, taking on board sensible ideas but steering clear of sillier, revolutionary ones. Nonsense. Schama retells British history the way it was--as bloody, convulsive, precarious, hot-blooded and several times within an inch of haring off onto an entirely different course. Schama seems almost to delight in the goriness of history. Themes returned to repeatedly include the wars between the Scots and the Irish and the Catholic/Protestant conflicts--only the Irish question remains unresolved by the new millennium. As Britain becomes a constitutional monarchy, Schama talks less of Kings and Queens but of poets and idea-makers like Orwell. Still, with his pungent, direct manner and against an evocative visual and aural backdrop, Schama makes history seem as though it happened yesterday, the bloodstains not yet dry.