
Pyramiden 2007


Et sportsfly styrter ned. I vraget finder man en detoneret pansergranat, og kommissær Wallander tilkaldes for at udrede sagen. Nogle dage senere omkommer to gamle søstre ved en eksplosion i en butik med syartikler. Alt peger på, at de to hændelser er forbundne. Samtidig viser sagen sig at have forbindelse til en traumatisk oplevelse for Wallander, da han var en ung, uerfaren politimand.


Den hvide løvinde

Den hvide løvinde 1996


I Cape Town opdager en politiinspektør ved navn September color, at den frygtede Mabasha, lejemorder, er i forhandlinger med en højreorienteret organisation. I Skåne, sydvest for Sverige, gives ejendomsmægleren Louise Åkerblom ved savnet og sagen overdrages til inspektør Wallander. Bare begynd at forske i, at tom bygning eksploderer. Et usædvanligt våben, en russisk sender og pegefinger af en farvet mand er fundet i vraget af bygningen.


Mannen Som Log

Mannen Som Log 2003


In this adaption of a Henning Mankell novel, Inspector Kurt Wallander investigates a case of murder and trade of human organs.


Wallander: Sidetracked

Wallander: Sidetracked 2001


It is autumn and the people in the otherwise peaceful small town Ystad settle down. But for Kurt Wallander broken idyll of a young woman burned to death in a cornfield. Soon after hitting a serial killer with a series of increasingly brutal murder. What is the relationship between a retired attorney general, a successful art dealer and an ordinary petty thief? Why scalp killer his victims?


Mördare utan ansikte

Mördare utan ansikte 1995


It is winter on the plains of Skåne coast. Farmer woken gets up and goes over to the neighboring farm. The sight that meets him is terrible. His neighbor John Lövgren lying on the floor with broken face. His wife Mary is sitting on a chair with a noose around his neck and her nightgown nersölat of blood. Before she dies in the hospital, she has time to say a word as soon leak out into the media, "Foreign" Inspector Kurt Wallander in Ystad police leading the investigation will soon receive anonymous threats by telephone. When the city's refugee camp on fire and a Somali refugee murdered, he understands that those who threatened him serious. And realize that it is now a race against time. And, against a ruthless opponent. A killer with no face ...