
Løgnen 2012


Robert Miller er succesfuld ejer af en kapitalfond med en hengiven hustru og en dygtig datter og arving - og en elskerinde, som ingen af dem kender. I virkeligheden er han desperat for at få solgt sit imperium til en storbank, før omfanget af hans bedrageri bliver afsløret. Et enkelt fejltrin betyder, at han må søge hjælp et helt uventet sted, mens politiet begynder at stramme nettet om ham.


Amira & Sam

Amira & Sam 2014


Sol­da­ten Sam for­sø­ger at til­pas­se sig det ci­vi­le liv ef­ter læn­ge­re tids ud­sta­tio­ne­ring i ud­lan­det. Da han gen­for­e­nes med sin tid­li­ge­re iraki­ske over­sæt­ter, mø­der han Amira - hans kam­me­rats nie­ce som ikke sto­ler på sol­da­ter og ikke vil have no­get med ham at gøre. Men da Amira får pro­ble­mer med sin op­hold­stil­la­del­se, til­by­der Sam, at hun kan skju­le sig i hans lej­lig­hed. Ef­ter en skæv start be­gyn­der de­res uven­te­de ven­skab at ud­vik­le sig til mere. Men ikke alt er, som det ser ud til, og Amira og Sam bli­ver snart mødt af for­hin­drin­ger.



Billions 2016


A complex drama about power politics in the world of New York high finance. Shrewd, savvy U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades and the brilliant, ambitious hedge fund king Bobby "Axe" Axelrod are on an explosive collision course, with each using all of his considerable smarts, power and influence to outmaneuver the other. The stakes are in the billions in this timely, provocative series.



Devils 2020


After being implicated in a deadly scandal, a trader at a leading London bank fights to clear his name, but instead uncovers an intercontinental conspiracy masterminded by powerful forces operating in the shadows.



Scalp 2008


Pierre, Raphael and Jules are golden boys and longtime friends. Pierre, the most flamboyant of them, is in great financial difficulty. He hid all his problems from his wife Alex. Soon Alex will, to repay the debts inherited from her husband, return to the palace Brongniart by the door, in the midst of stock market turmoil in the 90s. Flames, friendships, betrayals, insider trading, tax havens, money laundering, in a macho environment devoted to the cult of secrecy ...