La La Land

La La Land 2016


Los Angeles er kendt som byen, hvor drømme bliver til virkelighed. Skuespilleren Mia jagter sit livs filmrolle, men den lader vente på sig. Sebastian drømmer om en fremtid som jazzmusiker, men er tvunget til at tage ligegyldige jobs som hyggepianist. Da de to mødes, forelsker de sig hovedkulds. Men deres kærlighed og karriereplaner sættes på en hård prøve i den pulserende storby.


A Different Man

A Different Man 2024


Den håbefulde skuespiller Edward gennemgår en radikal medicinsk procedure for at ændre sit udseende drastisk. Men hans nye drømmeansigt bliver hurtigt til et mareridt, da han mister den rolle, han er født til at spille, og bliver besat af at generobre det tabte.


True Romance

True Romance 1993


Mød Clarence, Elvis-fan, kung-fu filmekspert og han sælger tegneserier, mød så Alabama, nybegynder i luderbranchen. De støder sammen i en regn af popcorn i biografen og der opstår umiddelbart sand kærlighed. De gifter sig med det samme, og Clarence giver Alabama en sød morgengave - han nakker hendes alfons! Og får en taske fyldt med kokain med i ved en fejltagelse... Med mafiaen i hælene flygter de i en lyserød cadillac mod Hollywood, hvor en ven af Clarence måske kan skaffe dem af med stofferne. I Hollywood havner de midt i mellem politiet, blodtørstige gangstere og gale bodyguards...


Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road 2008


Parret April og Frank er på hver deres måde kørt fast i deres liv i 1950'ernes USA. Det beslutter de sig for at gøre noget ved. Derfor rykker April og Frank teltpælene op og flytter til Frankrig. Men i Europa lurer nye konflikter, og snart er skænderier og jalousi ved ødelægge parrets forhold og lægge drømmene om fremtiden i ruiner.


Entourage: The Movie

Entourage: The Movie 2015


Skuespilleren Vincent Chase og hans tre bedste venner E, Turtle og Johnny Drama har for længst erobret Hollywood, og Vincent føler, at tiden er inde til at springe ud som instruktør. Hans tidligere agent Ari Gold er for nylig blevet chef for et stort filmselskab, og giver derfor Vincent lov til at instruere en kæmpe film. Opgaven viser sig hurtigt at være en udfordring for den mildest talt temperamentsfulde Ari, da Texaneren, der har finansieret store dele af filmen, pludseligt sender sin søn afsted til L.A. for at holde øje med sin investering.


Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby 1968


Et unge par, Guy og Rosemary, flytter ind i en lejlighed i et stort gammelt hus, hvor de hurtigt kommer i kontakt med et ældre excentrisk og meget påtrængende ægtepar. Snart bliver Rosemary gravid og gennemgår en masse komplikationer, men Guy synes at være mere opsat på at forsvare lægen end at støtte sin kone. Snart får Rosemary mistanke om, at naboerne i ejendommen afholder kultseancer og planlægger at ofre hendes baby.


Det vilde dusin

Det vilde dusin 2003


Tom og Kate Baker er forældre til ikke færre end 12 børn i alle aldre. Da Tom får tilbudt et nyt job i en anden by, må hele familien pakke flyttekasserne. Børnene er dog ikke glade for at skulle flytte væk fra venner og kærester. Samtidig tager Kate på turne for at gøre reklame for sin nye bog, og pludselig må Tom både håndtere et krævende nyt job og en ikke mindre krævende børneflok.


Hvis jeg var dig

Hvis jeg var dig 2011


Barndomsvennerne Dave og Mitch ser ikke hinanden så tit mere. Dave har stiftet familie med sin skønne kone og nyder succes som advokat, mens Mitch dyrker det glade singleliv med masser af damer. Men fordi græsset altid er grønnere hos naboen, drømmer de begge om at være i den andens sko. Og vupti, efter en våd nat i byen vågner Dave op i Mitchs krop og vice versa. Deres ønske er gået i opfyldelse!



Swingers 1996


Mike er en sød og følsom skuespiller, der har det hårdt med kærligheden efter afslutningen på et langt forhold. Trent er ikke så romantisk anlagt og ikke bleg for at øse af sin score-erfaring. Sammen med en gruppe venner tager de to på en heftig bytur og pigejagt først i Las Vegas og senere i L.A.


She's Funny That Way

She's Funny That Way 2015


Da den succesfulde Broadway-instruktør Arnold Patterson har en aftale med escortpigen Izzy, giver han hende nogle penge, så hun kan forfølge sin drøm om at blive skuespiller. Da hun dukker op til casting på en forestilling, han skal instruere, kommer han i alvorlige problemer, der også involverer hans kone Delta Simmons samt terapeuten Jane.


Maps to the Stars

Maps to the Stars 2014


Selvhjælpsguruen dr. Weiss lever højt på sin 13-årige søn Benjie, der er barnestjerne og nylig hjemvendt fra afvænningsklinik. Benjies storesøster, Agatha, er også sluppet ud fra den lukkede afdeling, hvor hun blev behandlet for pyromani. Hun bliver assistent for den midaldrende hollywooddiva Havana Segrand, der drømmer om hovedrollen i genindspilningen af den film, som gjorde hendes mor berømt.



Dare 2009


Da en pompøs skuespiller fortæller den gode pige Alexa, at hun ikke har levet, begiver hun sig ud på en dristig rejse, der fører hende til den mystiske bad boy Johnny. I jalousi forfører hendes generte bedste ven Ben også Johnny.


Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday 2022


Stand-up komikeren Jo Koy har hovedrollen som Joe Valencia, en mand, der vender hjem for at fejre påsken med sin larmende, skænderi, spise, drikke, grinende og kærlige familie i dette kærlighedsbrev til sine filippinsk-amerikanske omgivelser.


The Jamie Foxx Show

The Jamie Foxx Show 1996


Texas native Jamie King is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. To support himself, he works at his Aunt Helen and Uncle Junior's Los Angeles hotel, the King's Towers.



Entourage 2004


Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.



Hollywood 2020


In post-World War II Hollywood, an ambitious group of aspiring actors and filmmakers will do almost anything to make their showbiz dreams come true.


Sonny with a Chance

Sonny with a Chance 2009


Allison "Sonny" Munroe makes the leap from the Midwest to Los Angeles to join the cast of "So Random!," the most popular sketch comedy TV show for kids and tweens. Her fellow young actors are resident teen queen Tawni, super suave Nico, gregarious funnyman Grady and quirky Zora. Now Sonny must somehow balance these new friendships while adjusting to her family's decidedly different way of life in Hollywood. Meanwhile, Sonny must also contend with heartthrob Chad Dylan Cooper, star of the rival show "MacKenzie Falls," who makes it known that he thinks his dramatic work is better than her comedy career.



Cybill 1995


Cybill is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre, which aired on CBS from January 2, 1995, to July 13, 1998. Starring, Cybill Shepherd, the show revolves around the life of Cybill Sheridan, a twice-divorced single mother of two and struggling actress in her 40s, who has never gotten her big show business break.


Party Down

Party Down 2009


A group of struggling actors and dysfunctional dreamers wait for their big break while they are stuck serving hors d'oeurves for a Hollywood catering company 'Party Down.'


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.



Extras 2005


Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet to land a speaking part, let alone saunter down the red carpet to pick up an Oscar. He remains optimistic however, as rubbing shoulders with the A-list on-set only serves to reinforce his belief that the big time is just a job or two away.



Joey 2004


The charming and still-single Joey has struck out on his own and moved to Hollywood, hoping to truly make it as an actor. After reuniting with his high-strung sister Gina, Joey moves in with Michael, his 20-year-old genius nephew, who unbelievably is literally a rocket scientist. However, what Joey lacks in book smarts he makes up for with people smarts – making him the best new friend his nephew could ask for.


The L.A. Complex

The L.A. Complex 2012


Six young performers having been dubbed “most likely to succeed” in their hometowns now face the challenges and opportunities of a lifetime in the City of Angels.


The Arrangement

The Arrangement 2017


An aspiring actress is presented with an arrangement that would link her romantically to a big star in Hollywood, but sticking to the details of her contract may not be easy.


Loosely Exactly Nicole

Loosely Exactly Nicole 2016


Nicole Byer is living the Hollywood dream. Well, Hollywood adjacent – the deep valley to be precise – and it's not so much a dream but a struggle. With the help of her two besties, Veronica and Devin, Nicole will have to navigate the "real world" as she endures humiliating auditions, unpaid electric bills and the romantic battlefield that is Tinder, all while slowly, but surely, finding her voice as a comedian.


The Popcorn Kid

The Popcorn Kid 1987


Short lived sitcom about the goings on at a movie theatre. The show mainly focused on Scott Creasman, who wanted to be in movies, but working in the theatre was about as close as he would come.


Water Under the Bridge

Water Under the Bridge 1980


Water Under the Bridge is a 1980 mini series based on the 1977 novel by Sumner Locke Elliott.


The Stage Door

The Stage Door 1950


The Stage Door is an American drama series that aired live on CBS Tuesday night from 9:00 pm to 9:30 eastern time from February 7, 1950 to March 28, 1950. Based on the play The Stage Door by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman.


My Sister Eileen

My Sister Eileen 1960


My Sister Eileen is an American situation comedy based on a series of autobiographical short stories by Ruth McKenney originally published in The New Yorker, as well as the 1940 play and 1942 and 1955 film adaptations they inspired. The series premiered at 9:00pm ET/PT on CBS on October 15, 1960 and ran for one season of 26 episodes, the last of which was telecast on April 12, 1961. It aired opposite Hawaiian Eye on ABC and Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall on NBC.


The It Factor

The It Factor 2002


The It Factor is a reality television show which aired for two seasons on the Bravo network. It followed actors as they attempted to lead successful careers. The first season profiled actors in New York City, and the second season did the same in Los Angeles. Notable actors who appeared on the show include Oscar nominee Jeremy Renner, model/actress LisaRaye, Michaela Conlin, and Godfrey.


The Assistants

The Assistants 2009


The Assistants is a Canadian sitcom that aired from 10 July 2009 to 11 September 2009. The series is the second original comedy to air on the Nickelodeon channel, The N after the series About a Girl.


Bracken's World

Bracken's World 1969


Behind the scenes at the fictitious Century Studios in Hollywood, headed by the (initially) unseen John Bracken.



Taina 2001


Chronicles the life of a sassy 15-year-old Latina caught between two worlds: the traditional world of her Puerto Rican family and the modern world of her friends and life at the Manhattan School of the Arts.