
Hjemsøgt 2009


På grund af sønnens alvorlige sygdom flytter familien Campbell til Connecticut, for at være i nærheden af et behandlingssted. De er heldige og finder et imponerende stort hus til en overkommelig pris. Ejendomsmægleren forklarer, at huset har en særlig historie, men familien har ikke i deres vildeste fantasi forestillet sig at deres nye hjem skal vise sig at være en dødsfælde, hvor fortidens ondeste ånder residerer. Hjemsøgt - The Haunting in Connecticut er baseret på sande hændelser om et hus der hjemsøges af afdøde menneskers ånder.


Weed the People

Weed the People 2018


Kræftramte børns læger og forældre har fået fornyet optimisme efter gode erfaringer med medicinsk cannabis og kræver yderligere forskning i stoffets helbredende virkning.


Red Band Society

Red Band Society 2014


Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes , while the nursing staff do their best to bring them a little happiness everyday. Charlie , in a coma for several months, attending meanwhile helplessly bustle around him. He sees nothing , but he hears everything ...


Polseres vermelles

Polseres vermelles 2011


Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.


The Red Bracelets

The Red Bracelets 2017


The series tells about a group of teenagers in a children's hospital, about their growing up and struggling with circumstances, about how the characters are friends and love, respond to the challenges of fate and make principled choices.