
Colonia 2015


Colonia fortæller historien om Lena og Daniel, et ungt par, der bliver fanget i det chilenske militærkup i 1973. Daniel bliver kidnappet af Pinochets hemmelige politi, og Lena sporer ham til et aflukket område i det sydlige Chile ved navn Colonia Dignidad. Colonia fremstår som en velgørende mission ledet af lægprædikanten Paul Shafer, men er faktisk et sted, ingen nogensinde er flygtet fra. Lena beslutter at slutte sig til denne dystre og mystiske sekt for at finde Daniel.



1987 2017



The Lady

The Lady 2011


Da Aung San Suu Kyi er 3 år gammel, bliver hendes far, en burmesisk general og folkehelt, dræbt. Som voksen stifter Suu Kyi familie i England, men hun rejser tilbage til fødelandet for at tage kampen op mod diktaturet. Da hun vinder en jordskredssejr i Burmas første demokratiske valg, beslutter militærregimet at give Suu Kyi 15 års husarrest og forbyde hendes familie at rejse ind i landet.



Klanen 2015


Filmen bygger på den sande historie om familien Puccio, som satte en skræk i livet på Buenos Aires´ pæne borgerskab tilbage i 1980’erne. Under den såkaldte ´beskidte krig´ havde familiens patriark, Arquímedes, specialiseret sig i at få regimets politiske modstandere til at forsvinde. Nu er manden imidlertid arbejdsløs, så han beslutter sig for at fortsætte kidnapningsarbejdet i eget regi – med hele familien som mere eller mindre frivilligt medsammensvorne. Løsesummerne er med til at opretholde familiens sociale status, men det er ikke ensbetydende med at ofrene overlever opholdet i villaens interimistiske fangekælder.



Azor 2021



Senhora do Destino

Senhora do Destino 2004


A story about people who succeed in life thanks to nothing but their own efforts. Maria do Carmo is the main character of the telenovela; a mother of five who struggle to be successful in life, but whose most important will be recovering the love of her daughter who was kidnapped when she was just months old.


Age of Warriors

Age of Warriors 2003


This is a KBS 1TV drama that aired from February 8, 2003 to August 15, 2004.


Anos Rebeldes

Anos Rebeldes 1992


Mini series about the 1960s in Rio de Janeiro, when a politically engaged student falls in love with a left wing journalist's daughter who doesn't care for politics. The romance follows 15 years of Brazilian history, since President João Goulart deposition by military reactionary forces, until the first signs of restoration of democracy, in the 1980s.


Transamazonica: A Highway to the Past

Transamazonica: A Highway to the Past 2021


The Transamazon highway was a gigantic saga, the greatest example of the pharaonic works of the Brazilian military government. But the road that would promote national integration was best known for linking the famine of the Northeast with the misery of the Amazon. This haunting docuseries follows the story of the construction of this highway and its morbid consequences.


O Alto

O Alto 2016


In a pos April 25 Portugal, a newly arrived aristocratic family from exile faces a country totally different from the one it remembered.


Germán, últimas viñeta

Germán, últimas viñeta 2025


German Oesterheld who wrote The Eternauta goes to apply a new job in the most prolific argentine publisher on those days. The comics of this publisher are simple and plain in style with a constant particular feature; the bad boys are always the indians, the cubans or the aliens. When German arrives a revolution between publishers writers and comic driver is begun because they feel attracted am jealous for the teachers arrival. The military dictatorship government rules the streets and everywhere even in the publisher building the things and relationships begun to change and German has to be hidden to be able to let know his toughts.