Nøgleord Food Industry
Super Size Me 2004
”Det er en virkelig god, dårlig ide” var Scott Ambrozys kommentar til instruktøren Morgan Spurlock, da han præsenterede sin ven og producer for den idé, der siden skulle blive til dette vanvittige eksperiment af en dokumentarfilm.Da Morgan hørte om to unge pigers sagsanlæg mod fast-food kæden McDonald’s – og samtidig kunne følge de stigende overvægtsproblemer i USA, syntes han pludselig, at der var noget, der ikke hang sammen. For at finde ud af om det er manden eller maden, der har magten i det amerikanske samfund, satte han sig derfor for at dokumentere følgende kamikaze-projekt: I 30 dage lever han udelukkende af måltider fra McDonald’s under visse regler, som han selv opstiller. Han skal bl.a. altid svare ’ja’ til spørgsmålet, om han ønsker en ’supersize’ menu!
That Sugar Film 2014
Food, Inc. 2008
Hvor meget ved vi egentlig om måden, som den mad vi køber i vores lokale supermarked, er produceret på? Instruktøren Robert Kenner løfter sløret for den amerikanske fødevareindustri og blotlægger en utrolig verden af mekanisering, der med sundhedsmyndighedernes vidne er blevet holdt skjult for forbrugeren. Kenner afslører overraskende og ofte chokerende sandheder om den mad, vi spiser, hvordan den er produceret, og hvilke omkostninger det har for vores sundhed. Men husker os også på, at vi som forbrugere hver dag har en mulighed for at protestere mod svineriet - morgen, middag og aften!
Fed Up 2014
Food for Profit 2024
வேலைக்காரன் 2017
Säilöttyjä unelmia 2012
அருவம் 2019
Christspiracy 2024
King Corn 2007
Bananas!* 2009
The Automat 2021
Party Down 2009
A group of struggling actors and dysfunctional dreamers wait for their big break while they are stuck serving hors d'oeurves for a Hollywood catering company 'Party Down.'
Jídlo s.r.o. 2014
The Way You Shine 2023
An emergency call in the middle of the night awakens ZHOU Sin-xing’s 20-year happy life. The sudden death of her father and the revelation of his vast debts bring her tremendous pressure. Even her fiance wants to break the betrothal, lest he becomes affected.Within the blink of an eye, the young bride had fallen to her low. Instead, she restores her status from the bottom of life with her strong will, resilient character, and passion for baking. After several embarrassing yet adventurous incidents, she becomes tangled with an heir of a renowned food company.
The Queen of Office 2013
Temporary employee Ms. Kim is a remarkable woman. She possesses highly advanced skills in seemingly all work fields. She's also highly confident and always sticks to her ideals. Jang Kyu-Jik is a hot-shot foreign educated MBA, hired to turn around a flagging corporation. As they begin work together at their new jobs, can they ever co-exist?
Life on a Stick 2005
Life on a Stick is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from March 24 to April 27, 2005. Thirteen episodes of the show were completed, but Fox only showed the first five before pulling the show due to poor ratings.
Rotten 2018
This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.
Mad Cook Show 2017
Mad Cook Show is a smart and witty food show by mad chefs Riku Rantala and Tunna Milonoff, that invites Finland's most interesting guests to their table to eat, drink and chat - with a guaranteed Madventures twist.
The Secret World Of... 2021
A behind-the-scene exploration of Britain’s biggest snack rivalries, from Aeros v Wispas to Penguins against Clubs and Wotsits going up against Quavers.
Not My Mama's Meals 2012
Not My Mama's Meals is a Cooking Channel series hosted by Bobby Deen, which debuted on January 4, 2012. In the series, Bobby Deen takes inspiration from his mother Paula's recipes, reworking them into healthier versions reducing fat and calorie content. Clips from Paula Deen's various Food Network series are commonly shown with limited nutritional information to contrast with that of Bobby Deen's preparation, which is filmed on location at his New York City apartment. Paula Deen appears as well, typically from her Savannah home, trying samples of her son's reworked dishes.
Galgos 2024
What's Really in our Food 2007
Presented by Gregg Wallace, What's Really In Our Food series peels back the baffling world of food labelling, investigates junk food and the UK's love of ready meals.
Keeping Britain Fed 2020
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, the supermarkets have become like the UK’s fourth emergency service. While most people have been staying safe in their homes, an army of workers across the country have been putting themselves at risk and working round the clock to keep us all fed.
Nibiiro Shocolaville 2022
Hanaori Amemiya works as a corporate employee and is a popular influencer. She knows everything about the confectionery stores in the city. By chance, Amemiya happens to be in charge of a chocolate boutique. The story begins to unravel the history and culture of chocolate in Kanazawa. A special project for the 70th anniversary of MRO.
Space Farmers 2023
Blood, Sweat and Takeaways 2009
Six young British food consumers go to live and work alongside the workers in south east Asian food industries.