Dag for dag

Dag for dag 2022


Malte, Tage og Rut bor i en ældrebolig, hvor Katrin er plejer, og Simon gør rent. Sammen begiver de fem sig ud på en rejse mod Schweiz i en autocamper for at opfylde Malte's sidste ønske. Det bliver en tur, hvor venskaber udvikler sig, kærlighed opstår, og livsafgørende beslutninger bliver truffet.



Zanzouri 2012


Pinhas "Pini" Zanzouri lives in Yavne, a town in central Israel, with his wife and two children. Zanzouri is an average Israeli citizen with an average job, who comes home and passes his evenings watching TV . On his 40th birthday, Zanzouri's life changes forever when his father comes to him with two revelations: that all the men in his family have died in their 40th year, and that he is adopted. Accepting that he has a year to live, Zanzouri decides to fulfill all his dreams.