Harry Potter og flammernes pokal

Harry Potter og flammernes pokal 2005


Inden Harry Potter skal starte på sit fjerde år på Hogwarts, tager han, Weasley-familien og Hermione til verdensmesterskaberne i troldmandssporten Quidditch. Men pludselig viser Voldemort's mærke sig på himlen, og frygten for de ondes kræfters tilbagevenden skræmmer alle. Skolen starter, og snart har Harry også andre ting at bekymre sig om, for han mangler en date til det årlige julebal. Harry bliver på mystisk vis udvalgt af Flammernes Pokal til at repræsentere Hogwarts i en prestigefyldte troldmandsturnering, hvor han skal kæmpe imod ældre og mere erfarne elever fra to rivaliserende troldmandsskoler.


The Tomorrow War

The Tomorrow War 2021


'The Tomorrow War' handler om en mand, som bliver valgt til at være soldat i en fremtidskrig. Menneskelighedens overlevelse er nu afhængig af, at han kan konfrontere sin fortid.


Surf's Up

Surf's Up 2007


Kan man forstille sig et bedre sted at starte en dokumentarfilm om surfing end Antarktis? Ikke hvis vi taler om surfende pingviner (og en enkelt kylling). Her møder vi i hvert fald Cody Maverick, der er træt af sit job som fiskesorterer, træt af at blive mobbet af sin storebror, træt af ikke at blive respekteret som det, han er: Verdens bedste surfer. Nu viser chancen sig endelig for at efterligne hans store idol Big Z og tage til surf-mesterskabet på Hawaii. Her møder han andre håbefulde unge surf-pingviner (og en enkelt kylling), der vil tage kampen op mod den regerende og temmelig usympatiske mester, Tank. Men Cody har meget at lære endnu. Om livet, om pigerne – især livredderen Lani – og om surfing. Tilfældet vil, at han støder ind i den udkoksede ekssurfer Geek, som måske kan vise ham vejen. Så er spørgsmålet bare, om han når det, inden det skal afgøres på bølgetoppen, hvem der er den bedste pingvin.


Way Down

Way Down 2021


Madrid, Spanien, 2010. Mens hele byen følger landsholdets succesfulde deltagelse i verdensmesterskaberne, leder en gruppe dristige tyve efter en vej ind i et af de mest sikre og bevogtede steder på planeten.


Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man 2005


Depressionen har lagt sin tunge skygge over hele USA. For den håbefulde bokser Jim Braddock ligger tilværelsen yderligere i ruiner, fordi en skade har ødelagt hans karriere. Han mister sin licens til at bokse professionelt og må forsørge sin kone og sine tre børn som daglejer på havnen. Hans gamle manager Joe Gould får ondt af ham og skaffer ham en sidste kamp og det er en chance, Braddock ikke kan lade gå fra sig. Ikke blot holder han ud mod favoritten – det lykkes ham at vinde.


Next Goal Wins

Next Goal Wins 2023


Den hollandske træner Thomas Rongen forsøger den næsten umulige opgave at gøre det amerikanske Samoa-fodboldhold fra mangeårige tabere til vindere.


Northern Limit Line

Northern Limit Line 2015


Filmene følger hændelsen kendt som den anden kamp i Yeonpyeong, som skete i 2002.



83 2021






After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Japan Football Union is hell-bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to out-muscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?


Messi's World Cup: The Rise of a Legend

Messi's World Cup: The Rise of a Legend 2024


Follow the legend's epic journey through five World Cups, culminating in 2022's triumph. As the championship run unfolds, Messi shares some of his most personal reflections—on his national team career and the challenges he's faced.


Being Mario Götze

Being Mario Götze 2018


4-part documentary by award-winning director Aljoscha Pause, who followed German football star Mario Götze for seven months.


The Pressure Game

The Pressure Game 2023


"The Pressure Game - In the Heart of the Swiss Nati" is a docutainment series with six episodes of 30 minutes each. The focus is on the Swiss men's national soccer team - the Nati. The series is produced by the Zurich-based film production stories AG in co-production with SRG and freshcom GmbH and in cooperation with the Swiss Football Association, which allows the camera team free access behind the scenes. The series will be broadcast nationally from March 21 on all SRG SSR channels and via the streaming platform Play Suisse. International exploitation is also planned. The series is based on an idea by Simon Helbling and Samy Ebneter. Simon Helbling is the director.


All or Nothing – The German National Team in Qatar

All or Nothing – The German National Team in Qatar 2023


The German national football team wants to be the world’s best once again at the World Cup in Qatar. After being eliminated in the preliminary round of the 2018 World Cup and in the last 16 at the 2021 European Championship, the former world champions want another title. But again their journey ends in the preliminary round. Exclusive behind-the-scenes insights show their dramatic failure.


Matildas: The World at Our Feet

Matildas: The World at Our Feet 2023


This is the inspirational and intimate behind-the-scenes story of the Matildas - Australia's women's national football team working towards the World Cup on home soil. We follow the players on and off the field as they inspire the next generation.


Becoming Champions

Becoming Champions 2018


This series looks at the stories behind the athletes and countries that have achieved World Cup champion status.


The Men Who Sold The World Cup

The Men Who Sold The World Cup 2021


The corruption, backroom deals and greed behind awarding the World Cup comes to a head when the 2022 tournament is awarded to Qatar, a desert nation with baking summer temperatures, no world-class stadiums, little interest in soccer - and lots of money.


Grand Slammers

Grand Slammers 2023


England's Rugby World Cup-winning legends have come together after 20 years to take on a unique challenge behind the walls of a jail - using the power of sport to turn around prisoners' lives.