The Prodigy 2019
Et forældreløst par får endelig deres største drøm til at gå i opfyldelse, da moderen føder lille Miles. Men da sønnens opførsel begynder at grænse mod det forstyrrende, frygter moderen at overnaturlige kræfter kan være på spil.
Et forældreløst par får endelig deres største drøm til at gå i opfyldelse, da moderen føder lille Miles. Men da sønnens opførsel begynder at grænse mod det forstyrrende, frygter moderen at overnaturlige kræfter kan være på spil.
Filmen 'Playing for Keeps' handler om den tidligere professionelle atlet, der nu er fodboldtræner for sin søns hold. Træner-positionen giver ham dog også en direkte forbindelse til sine spillers rastløse mødre, og han begynder at tænke på andet end bare at score mål på fodboldbanen.
"FEED THE DOG" handler om 12-årige Clara, der i en post apokalyptisk verden gør alt i sin magt for at beskytte sig sygeligt svækkede Far.
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
Hosts Bianca Gervais and Sébastien Diaz offer inspiring encounters with colorful families, sound advice, and winning recipes to make family life easier.
A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way.
When a young man goes missing soon after his friend dies, life in a tight-knit, affluent Warsaw suburb slowly unravels, exposing secrets and lies.
Set against a sweeping Cornish landscape, two couples discover that their toddlers were switched at birth in a hospital mix-up, and face a horrifying dilemma: do they keep the sons they have raised and loved, or reclaim their biological child?
Author Tarō Obika is an obsessed single father who loves his daughter so much, he decides to go to the same college. Nicknamed Gatarō, he was widowed when his wife died of an illness and has raised his only child Sakura all on his own. Things are about to change drastically as Sakura prepares to enter a coeducational university after going to an all-girls school all her life. Worried sick, Gataro enrolls not only in the same school, but also in the same department, and the madness begins! Unable to control his anxiety, he sticks his nose in her every business, from classes to extracurricular activities, parties, dating events, cultural festivals, part-time jobs, and everything else college kids do. But as the 40-year-old middle-aged dad gets involved in the youthful pursuits of Sakura and her colleagues, he finds himself enjoying life even more than them.
Parenthood in the animal kingdom is a high-stakes game. In a world full of danger, some animal parents go to extreme lengths to ensure the survival of their offspring.
In this comedy series, a group of overenthusiastic football parents can't help but interfere with the performances of the young players on the field.