Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009


Mr. Fox, træt af hverdagens kedsomhed, planlægger et stort hønse-kup mod de lokale landmænd. Hvad han ikke ved er at de lokale landmænd planlægger at gøre noget ved Mr. Fox.


War Horse

War Horse 2011


I 1914 må den engelske bondedreng Albert skille sig af med sin elskede hest, Joey, som han sælger til kavaleriet. Det stolte dyr skifter ejer mange gange under første verdenskrig, og såvel britiske officerer, tyske soldater og en fransk landmand knytter bånd til Joey. Samtidig melder Albert sig ind i hæren og gør et bravt, om end næsten umuligt forsøg på at finde sin hest igen. Steven Spielberg står bag dette storslåede krigsdrama, der er en filmatisering af Michael Morpurgos populære børnebog, der senere blev en kæmpe succes som teaterstykke på Broadway. En række kendte navne dukker op i løbet af filmen, blandt andet danske Nicolas Bro dukker op i en central rolle (hans historier fraoptagelserne er fantastiske)!


God's Own Country

God's Own Country 2017


Den unge fårefarmer, Johnny, er følelsesmæssigt ude af balance. Hans far er delvist lammet efter et hjerteanfald og sammen med sin bedstemor, er de ene om at drive farmen. Da læmmeperioden nærmer sig, er de nødt til at hyre hjælp udefra og ansætter den unge rumæner Gheorge. Gheorges ankomst er starten på et intenst forhold mellem de to unge mænd, og det får Johnny til at betragte sig selv i et ganske anderledes lys.


Super buddies

Super buddies 2013


Da hvalpene Budderball, Mudbud, B-Dawg, Buddha og Rosebud finder nogle mystiske ringe forvandles en helt almindelig dag på Fernfield Farms til noget særligt. De mystiske ringe giver dem nemlig hver deres superstyrke. Hvalpegruppen begynder snart at bruge de nye kræfter og kommer straks til undsætning da en ond fjende fra det ydre rum truer kloden. Spørgsmålet er om det vil lykkes for dem at forhindre katastrofen uden at afsløre deres hemmelige identitet? Gå ikke glip af dette storslåede familieeventyr fra Disney, fyldt med grin og sjove typer.


Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island

Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island 1956


Takezo beslutter sig til at droppe tilværelsen som omrejsende og slutter sig til Shogun, Japans mest magtfulde klanleder. På samme tid udfordres han til duel af Sasaki Kojiro, en talentfuld kriger. Takezo accepterer udfordringen, men beder om et års forberedelsestid. Han vælger at leve uden Shoguns beskyttelse og slår sig ned i udkanten af en landsby, hvor han dyrker grøntsager. Otso og Akemi følger ham dertil. Begge kvinder er forelskede i ham. Efter at Takezo har hjulpet landsbyen i et opgør med banditter, søger han kærligheden hos Atso, og så rejser han endelig til Ganryu Island for at kæmpe sit livs endelige kamp.


Little People, Big World

Little People, Big World 2006


Matt & Amy Roloff enlist the help of their four children Jeremy, Zack, Molly & Jacob to help expand the business of Roloff farms. As the kids grow older, the family grows larger and the Roloffs learn how to keep their family relationships strong.


Torpet Kjendis

Torpet Kjendis 2019


A few kilometers from the farm, Torpet is located. Here comes everyone who loses the fight on the farm, and here they get an opportunity to fight their way back to the farm. But here comes also others who will be involved in the battle to win the Farmen Celebrity 2019.


Top Star, Yoo Baek

Top Star, Yoo Baek 2018


Yoo Baek is a former idol star, who became a household name as an actor, but he's a vain, unapologetic narcissist. When he gets into some major trouble, he is exiled to a remote island for a little image damage control. In for the culture shock of his life, far from civilization, he falls for a local island girl.


Silver Spoon

Silver Spoon 2013


Yuugo Hachiken enrolled in Ooezo Agricultural High School for the reason that he could live in a dorm there. In some ways he chose Ooezo in an effort to escape the highly competitive prep schools he had attended previously, but he was faced with an entirely new set of difficulties at Oezo, surrounded by animals and Mother Nature. After growing up in an average family, he began to encounter clubs and training the likes of which he had never seen before.


Old Country

Old Country 1982


Following on from the hugely popular Out of Town, Old Country saw Jack Hargreaves continue his exploration of rural life in Thomas Hardy country – reflecting on its character, traditions, history and folklore, and the skills that had passed from generation to generation.


Love and Farm

Love and Farm 2007


Six agriculture students travel north to Hokkaido for first-hand training and experience in a farm setting. The story focuses not only on their daily life and their growth as young men and women, but also on the economic situation in the region, which received national attention earlier this year when the national government cut off aid to the struggling city of Yubari.


Hjälp, vi har köpt en bondgård!

Hjälp, vi har köpt en bondgård! 2020


Brita Zackari and Kalle Zackari Wahlström have long dreamt of a new life, to leave all anxiety and stress of citylife behind and move to the countryside with their family. Now the dream has come true: Brita and Kalle have bought a little farm.


Sien van Sellingen

Sien van Sellingen 2010


Children's tale that follows the adventures of Sien, a tough and down-to-earth girl who lives on a traditional farm on the country side: In a big family, with lots of animals and lots of free space.


Live To Farm

Live To Farm 2022


It takes a family to raise a farm! This new reality series provides a glimpse into the life and living of America's farm families. They work hard and play even harder.


The Fabulous Beekman Boys

The Fabulous Beekman Boys 2010


The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a reality television show produced in the United States by World of Wonder Productions. The series follows Josh Kilmer-Purcell and his husband Brent Ridge as they learn how to become farmers and launch their lifestyle brand, Beekman 1802. Brent, a physician who previously worked for Martha Stewart Omnimedia, lives at the farm full-time, while Josh, a New York Times bestselling author, commutes from their apartment in New York City on the weekends.


The Croft

The Croft 2015


Documentary following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter.