
Sliver 1993


Carly Norris søger lidt forandring i livet efter et ulykkeligt ægteskab og beslutter sig for at købe en ny lejlighed på Manhattan. Hendes nye hjem ligger i et typisk Manhattan boligkompleks, hvor de enkelte lejligheder er omringet af mystiske og sørgelige skæbner. Blandt Carlys nye naboer er Zeke Hawkins, som er en ung velhavende ungkarl samt Jack Landsford, der er forfatter. Carly indleder et forhold til den unge Zeke, men ser sig pludselig forført af en mystisk verden, hvor grænserne mellem fantasi og virkelighed er meget spinkle...


The Resident

The Resident 2011


Psykologisk thriller med sexede Hilary Swank (dobbelt Oscar®-vinder) i hovedrollen som den nyligt fraskilte Juliet, der flytter ind i en skøn New Yorkerlejlighed, hvor huslejen er lav og udlejeren charmerende (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). En række mystiske hændelser får imidlertid Juliet til at installere et overvågningskamera, og til sin rædsel opdager hun, at hun ikke er alene i lejligheden. Langtfra ... Instruktør Antti Jokinen har sørget for, at du vil sidde tilbage i mørket med en evig mistanke om, at nogen holder øje med dig. Og hvem ved? Måske han har ret...


Rædselernes hus

Rædselernes hus 1991


Poindexter og hans familie har ingen penge. Men hans kammerat har en plan, der kan skaffe dem de manglende penge. For den forhadte ejer af en stor skummel villa i udkanten af byen, har en uvurderlig møntsamling. Sammen bryder de ind i villaen - og møder grufulde, navnløse rædsler. For værten og hans kone har i årevis pint og holdt udkyldige børn indespærret i kælderen og forvandlet dem til grådige uhyrer i menneskeskikkelser.


Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 1983


Seven British construction workers escape Britain's ever growing dole queues and travel to Germany to work on a site in Dusseldorf. We follow their trials and tribulations of working away from home and away from the women they left behind.


The Exes

The Exes 2011


A sitcom about three divorced men sharing an apartment across the hall from their female divorce attorney, who is also their landlord.


My Roommate

My Roommate 2022


6 people live together in Xian's apartment, and romantic feelings begin to grow under the eaves...


Al Murray's Happy Hour

Al Murray's Happy Hour 2007


Al Murray's Happy Hour was a chat show presented by comedian Al Murray and produced by Avalon TV. The first series aired in early 2007. It is broadcast on the British terrestrial TV network, ITV, and the first series was broadcast on Saturday nights at 10pm. The second series aired on Fridays at 10pm. A third series returned to ITV on 12 September 2008, in the same 10pm Friday night slot. However, UTV in Northern Ireland did not show the third series in the 10pm Friday night slot with the other ITV regions. They now show it the following Thursday at around 11.40pm, due to UTV regional programming on Friday nights. Murray presents the programme in his Pub Landlord persona: a stereotypically nationalistic, chauvinistic character. The show contains stand-up, guest interviews and live music. The show ends with Murray performing a Queen song with the musical guest.


Time Gentlemen Please

Time Gentlemen Please 2000


The Pub Landlord’s rules are a pint for the fella and a glass of white wine or fruit based drink for the lady. It might be the 21st century but the landlord’s gaff is the last bastion of all things normal. He ain’t interested in change. It’s just the way things are, and don’t you or anybody else go questioning it.



Josh 2015


Sitcom about flatmates Josh, Kate and Owen, and their annoying landlord Geoff.


Warm Time With You

Warm Time With You 2022


Wu Yi is a little boy who has lost his parents but lives a warm and happy life with his aunt, Wu Jiao Jiao, who runs a martial arts hall. His uncle, domineering president Qi Mo, wants his father to meet his only grandson and so he begins a custody battle with Wu Jiao Jiao, who is a passionate young woman that will not give up easily.


Hey Landlord!

Hey Landlord! 1966


Hey, Landlord is an American sitcom appearing on NBC during the 1966-1967 season, sponsored by Procter & Gamble in the 8:30-9pm Eastern time period on Sunday nights. It is notable for its casting director Fred Roos, who later became a producer for Francis Ford Coppola. Roos discovered counterculture sketch group The Committee in San Francisco and cast all members in bit parts in Hey, Landlord.


Proprio en otage

Proprio en otage 2014


Owning an apartment building has advantages, but getting rid of undesirable tenants can be a real nightmare. These hostage landlords share their stories and their dismay. From these dramatic reconstitutions, this series shows the issues created by these problem tenants, the costs associated with repairing the damage and the almost non-existent recourse.