Mr. Deeds

Mr. Deeds 2002


Longfellow Deeds er en elskelig, sød og naiv fyr, der lever et helt almindeligt liv som ejer af en lille bys eneste pizzeria. Men en dag får Deeds at vide, at han har arvet 40 millioner dollars plus et medieimperium. Da Deeds flytter til Manhattan for at indtræde i sit nye job, ændrer han radikalt på tingene og laver blandt andet arbejdspladsen om til en “krammezone”. Men der er folk, der er ude efter ham. Snart må han bevise, at selvom penge måske ændrer alt, ændrer de ikke alle...



Aristocats 1970


Den klassiske fortælling om Kattemor Duchess og de charmerende killinger som lever godt og trygt hos Madame Bonfamille. Men den grådige butler er ude efter at arve den formue, som Madame har testementeret til sine katte. Derfor kidnapper han dem og efterlader de hjælpeløse dyr langt ude på landet. Da de vågner op, er de bange, sultne og forvirrede. Men så møder de Thomas O`Malley, vildkattenes ukronede konge. Sammen starter rejsen hjem imod trygheden og på turen møder de blandt andre Scat Cat og hans seje jazzband, som giver den hele armen, når de spiller Hvem vil ikke gerne være kat.


Thirteen Ghosts

Thirteen Ghosts 2001


Den fattige Shalhouh og hans datter flytter sammen ind i et hus, som han arver efter sin onkel Dr Zorba. Huset er besat af magtfulde levende ånder, der ikke tøver med at udslette enhver, der kommer på tværs af deres planer. Familien får snart besøg af en spøgelsesjæger, der er fast besluttet på at befri de indespærrede spøgelser. I deres kamp for at redde sig selv finder beboerne ud af, at huset er en stor gåde.


Fornuft og følelse

Fornuft og følelse 1995


Søstrene Elinor og Marianne kunne ikke være mere forskellige. Storesøster Elinor er pragmatisk og velovervejet, mens Marianne er romantisk og impulsiv. Begge møder kærligheden, men i England omkring år 1800 er der intet vigtigere end penge og social status. Og pigerne mister begge dele, da deres far pludselig dør, og familien må flytte fra sit gods. Emma Thompson fik en Oscar for sit manuskript til Ang Lee's skønne Jane Austen-filmatisering, der også modtog Berlin-festivalens Guldbjørn.


En Gave for Livet

En Gave for Livet 2007


Den forkælede arving Jason Stevens troede, at arven ville betyde en hel masse lettjente penge, men han kunne ikke have taget mere fejl, og bliver i stedet kastet ud på en opdagelsesrejse, der tvinger ham til at besvare et af de vigtigste spørgsmål for os mennesker: Hvordan er forholdet mellem rigdom og lykke?


The Covenant

The Covenant 2006


Fire unge mænd, der hører til en overnaturlig arv er tvunget til at kæmpe en femte magt længe tænkt at være døde ud. En anden stor kraft, de skal slås med er jalousi og mistanke om, at truer med at rive dem fra hinanden.



Acrimony 2018


Melinda fyldes af hævngerrig vrede, da hun opdager, at den mand, hun støttede – økonomisk og trofast – har bedraget hende i årevis.


Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery 2019


På en længe ventet tur til Europa prøver en betjent fra New York og hans frisørkone at opklare et mystisk mord ombord på en milliardærs yacht.


Mus i eget hus

Mus i eget hus 1997


De altid uheldige brødre Lars og Ernie Smuntz er ikke særligt imponerede over det faldefærdige gamle herskabshus de arver...indtil de opdager at deres forfaldne gods faktisk er flere millioner værd. Men før de kan kræve pengene ind er de nødt til at få husets sidste, stædige beboer ud; en lille hårdnakket mus. Hvad der måske synes legende let bliver en storslået kamp af hysteriske dimensioner.


The Estate

The Estate 2022


Macey og Savanna har måske ikke så meget, ud over den perfekte plan. De driver en faldefærdig café, som er lukningstruet, så nu forsøger de at vinde deres dødssyge moster Hildas gunst. Hun er familiens onde matriark og har et meget stort hus. Men som Macey og Savanna snart opdager, så har andre slægtninge fået præcis samme idé.


Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding Crowd 2015


Dorset, England i 1800-tallet. Den unge Bathsheba Everdene er ualmindeligt selvstændig for sin tid og har ikke lyst til at gifte sig med en mand, hun ikke elsker. Efter at hun arver en stor gård, kæmper tre bejlere kæmper om hendes gunst: den beskedne fårefarmer Gabriel Oak, den velhavende William Boldwood samt den hæmningsløse sergent Frank Troy, som blev svigtet ved alteret af tjenestepigen Fanny.


Dangerous Lies

Dangerous Lies 2020


Efter at have mistet sit servitricejob, tager Katie Franklin et job som vicevært for en velhavende ældre mand i hans spredte, tomme ejendom i Chicago. De to bliver tætte, men da han uventet går bort og navngiver Katie som sin eneste arving, bliver hun og hendes mand Adam trukket ind i et komplekst net af løgne, bedrag og mord. Hvis hun skal overleve, bliver Katie nødt til at stille spørgsmålstegn ved alles motiver - selv de mennesker, hun elsker.


Whichever Way the Ball Bounces

Whichever Way the Ball Bounces 2014


This show is located in the picturesque Oštrovac, a village on the edge of the national park. Katarina, Tomislav and Krešo will get a million euros from his grandfather - but only if they spend a year in his ruined house in Oštrovac. Otherwise, the money belongs to the locals.


Brilliant Heritage

Brilliant Heritage 2020


A stepmother takes revenge on four spoiled brothers. The father feels betrayed by his sons who are always after his money. This twisted family shows conflict and the true meaning of being a family. The story revolves around Buruna Noodles and the owner of the restaurant. Each son and their wives have different dreams, but they all want one thing.


The Duke of Death and His Maid

The Duke of Death and His Maid 2021


Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?


Bleak House

Bleak House 2005


The generous John Jarndyce, struggling with his own past, and his two young wards Richard and Ada, are all caught up, like Lady Dedlock, in the infamous case of Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce, which will make one of them rich beyond imagination if it can ever be brought to a conclusion. As Tulkinghorn digs deeper into Lady Dedlock's past, he unearths a secret that will change their lives forever, and which is almost as astounding as the final outcome of the Jarndyce case.


In Memoriam

In Memoriam 2024


Following the death of their father, a businessman's heirs must go through a series of troubling tests that bring back the wounds of their childhood, in order to get their hands on $84 million. But their memories of an abusive childhood put their family bond in jeopardy.


A Woman of Substance

A Woman of Substance 1985


The life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the twentieth century, to respected business woman and grandmother in the 1980s. From humble beginnings, Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years, she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2001


Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.



Asfur 2010


Asfur is an Israeli television series, which is broadcast on the channel HOT3. Its title, which literally means "bird" in Arabic, is the main protagonist's "good luck bird" – his late grandfather believed that its arrival symbolized a positive turn of events. Hot had already started working on two additional seasons even before the television pilot was aired. Season two began airing on October 17, 2011. Savyon and Amir sold the format to John Wells in October 2011. The adaptation, named "Hard Up", will air on FOX.



Kidnapped 1978


David McCallum stars as the rebellious Alan Breck Stewart, and this ambitious serial (a co-production between HTV and Germany's Tele-Munchen) also features a host of British character actors, including Bill Simpson, Patrick Allen, Andrew Keir, Patrick Magee and Frank Windsor. When young David Balfour arrives at his uncle's bleak Scottish house to claim his inheritance, his relative tries to murder him then has him shipped off to be sold as a slave in the colonies. Luckily for the lad, he strikes up a friendship with Alan Breck Stewart, who is on the run after Bonnie Prince Charlie's defeat at Culloden. When a ship's captain tries to kill Breck for his money, the two manage to get to land and set out for Edinburgh, dodging the ruthless Redcoats along the way.


Easy Fortune Happy Life

Easy Fortune Happy Life 2009


A wealthy man gets hurt on a hunting trip and is restored to health by a rural herbalist. He falls in love with the herbalist and promises to come back for her, but years pass and he never returns. But when the old man is rushed to a hospital with a heart attack, it is the herbalist’s granddaughter, Xie Fu An, who also is an herbal doctor, who treats the man and saves him. When he realizes how much Fu An looks like the woman he fell in love with years ago, he announces that he will give away his entire fortune to the man who marries Fu An. The man’s grandson, Yan Da Feng, an arrogant young man who assumed he would inherit the wealth, is alarmed when he hears the news and hires someone to go kill this young woman who is about to steal his fortune. However, after meeting Fu An, he begins to fall for her and decides to marry her himself. But can Da Feng stop the wheels he set in motion to harm Fu An and hope to have a happy ending with her?


Greek Salad

Greek Salad 2023


Takes place twenty years after the events of “L’Auberge Espanole,” and follows Tom and Mia, the children of the film’s protagonists Xavier and Wendy, as they spend time in Athens.


Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls 2016


A young woman mysteriously inherits the house across the street from a man unknown to her who died twenty years prior. When she moves in, she discovers a sinister labyrinth inside the walls and becomes trapped in its ever-changing corridors.



Jenny 1997


Jenny is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1997 to 1998. The series was intended to be a star vehicle for Playboy Playmate Jenny McCarthy. It was rated TV-MA.


The Off Season

The Off Season 2017


Underwhelming and self-absorbed siblings Jack and Laurie think they've hit the jackpot when they inherit a motel from a distant relative, but after one night the pair learn they've been duped and cursed to spend the rest of their lives trapped on the dilapidated property. For fear of having to spend eternity with only each other, they quickly devise a plan to lure their friends over, because well, misery loves company.


I'll Take Manhattan

I'll Take Manhattan 1987


I'll Take Manhattan is a 1987 American television miniseries, adapted from Judith Krantz's novel of the same name. Screened by CBS, it tells the story of the wealthy Amberville family, who run their own publishing company in New York. After Zachary Amberville, the patriarch of the family, dies, the company is taken over by his unscrupulous brother Cutter. Zachary's children, especially his energetic and intelligent daughter Maxi, begin a battle to regain control of the father's company. I'll Take Manhattan was the highest-rated miniseries of the 1986–87 US television season with a 22.9/35 rating/share.


Filthy Rich

Filthy Rich 1982


Filthy Rich is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from August 1982 to July 1983. Starring Dixie Carter and Delta Burke, the series satirized prime-time soap operas such as Dallas and Dynasty.


True Love 365

True Love 365 2013


Lai family has 4 children: One narcissist, one workaholic, one divorcee, and one social butterfly. None of which wanted to settle down. Lai parents think the kids may have been spoiled by the family fortune. To correct this problem, the parents issued the kids an ultimatum, get married within the year or be disinherited. Reluctantly, the kids scramble to find that true love they have missed all their lives.