Prinsesse Sissi: 1 - Den anden søster

Prinsesse Sissi: 1 - Den anden søster 1955


Den østrigske ærkehertuginde Sophie arrangerer en tur til Bad Ischl som en "privat familieudflugt" i den hensigt at føre den østrigske kejser Franz Joseph sammen med sin fremtidige kone, prinsesse Helen af Bayern, og blive forlovet med hende. Ved et tilfælde møder Franz Joseph dog Helens lillesøster Sissi og forelsker sig i hende. Stik imod sin ambitiøse mors ønske lykkes det ham at blive gift med Sissi.


Prinsesse Sissi: 3 - De skæbnesvangre år som kejserinde

Prinsesse Sissi: 3 - De skæbnesvangre år som kejserinde 1957


Sygdom, politisk uro og rygter om utroskab tynger Sissi, som må fremmane alt sit mod for at fuldføre sin skæbne. I den tredje del af filmserien om Sissi må den unge kejserinde endnu engang kæmpe imod sin svigermors intriger. Mens kejser Franz Joseph er i Wien, rejser Sissi til Ungarn med en greve, der er hende yderst hengiven. Hun ønsker at formilde de ungarske adelsmænd, som er på tærsklen til at starte et oprør. Det lykkes hende at aflive rygterne fra Wien om en hemmelig affære med greven, men en alvorlig lungesygdom tvinger hende til at søge behandling på øen Korfu. Franz Joseph og Sissi mødes i Italien, og takket være Sissis overvældende charme lykkes det dem at vinde den italienske befolknings gunst.


Prinsesse Sissi: 2 - Den unge kejserinde

Prinsesse Sissi: 2 - Den unge kejserinde 1956


Anden del af Sissi – den anmelderroste filmserie fra 1950’erne – er en mere eller mindre autentisk beretning om den unge kejserinde Elizabeth af Østrigs første år. Først og fremmest er det konflikterne med hoffets strenge regler og hendes intolerante svigermor, der giver problemer for den unge kvinde, som er vant til at få sin vilje. Da en lille prinsesse kommer til verden, og der stilles krav om, at hendes opdragelse skal lægges i hænderne på fremmede, gennemlever Sissi sin første ægteskabskrise. Og først da begge parter bøjer sig – da Sissi accepterer at følge skik og brug, og hun får lov til at beholde sit barn – bliver der banet vej for forsoning og en lykkelig slutning.


An Empress and the Warriors

An Empress and the Warriors 2008


Prinsesse Feier tvinges til at bestige tronen, da hendes far bliver dræbt i kamp. Sammen med sin loyale general Xuehu kæmper Feier for at forsvare kongeriget mod fjenden. Hendes ærgerrige kusine Wu Ba ønsker hende dog væk fra tronen og sender en lejemorder ud for at dræbe hende. Men den mystiske fremmede Duan Lan-Quan redder hende og tilbyder hende både kærlighed og et helt nyt liv. Med kongerigets skæbne i sine hænder tvinges Feier nu til at vælge mellem pligten og sine drømme...


Empresses in the Palace

Empresses in the Palace 2011


Zhen Huan, a 17-year-old innocent introduced into the imperial court as the latest concubine of Emperor Yong Zheng. Her dreams of a new life of love and prosperity are swiftly dashed as she enters a dog-eat-dog world of treachery and corruption.


The Empress of China

The Empress of China 2014


Based on events in 7th and 8th-century Tang dynasty and starring producer Fan Bingbing as the titular character Wu Zetian, The Empress of China is the story of the only woman in Chinese history to rule as an emperor.


Empress Ki

Empress Ki 2013


A woman born in Korea navigates her way through love, war, politics and national loyalties to become a powerful empress in China's Yuan dynasty.



Sisi 2021


"Sisi" follows the extraordinary life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Modern, honest, and authentic. Told from the perspective of her closest confidants, the series takes a new look at the empress' life and reveals a multi-layered woman.


Queen Dugu

Queen Dugu 2019


The story of Dugu Qieluo, formally Empress Wenxian, and her husband Yang Jian who united China under the Sui Dynasty. The husband and wife come to be revered by the people as saints due to their extraordinary contributions to a new golden age.


The Legend of Dugu

The Legend of Dugu 2018


“He who has Dugu, has the world”. Daughters of a court official, Dugu Banruo, Dugu Mantuo, and Dugu Jialou were always destined for greatness. Blessed with beauty, intelligence, and connections, the Dugu sisters grew up knowing they were the subjects of a prophecy that could someday tear them apart. Determined to remain loyal to each other, they vowed to always put their relationship first. But time has a way of changing things, and vows are easily broken.


Curse of the Royal Harem

Curse of the Royal Harem 2011


When the Emperor mysteriously disappears from battle, his new wife Consort Quan Fei, is accused of murder by his mother, the Empress Dowager, who sees Quan Fei as an ominous woman. However, Quan Fei is protected by the Emperor's younger brother, the new Emperor Daoguang, who has loved Quan Fei since he was young. So when Daoguang announces that Quan Fei is to be his new consort, the Empress Dowager partners with Daoguang's wife, the new Empress Shencheng to eradicate Quan Fei from the royal court.


The Confidant

The Confidant 2012


"The Confidant" depicts how a group of eunuchs survive in the weakening Qing empire, and closely traces imperial eunuch Li Lianying's early life from the first day he entered the imperial palace to become one of the most powerful political figures in the latter years of the Qing Dynasty. The drama also follows Li's relationship with Empress Dowager Cixi, and how he eventually becomes her closest confidant.


The Last Empress

The Last Empress 2018


In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.


The Empress

The Empress 2022


Two young people meet. A fateful encounter - the proverbial love at first sight. He is Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary, she is Elisabeth von Wittelsbach, Princess of Bavaria and the sister of the woman Franz is to marry…


The Legendary Life of Queen Lau

The Legendary Life of Queen Lau 2022


Everyone thought that fate played an unbelievable joke - the foul-mouthed woman from the village who can beat a brawny man with her bare hands has become queen! She will be the one to help her "weak chicken" husband in a story full of laughter and warmth. Liu Jin Feng was abandoned by her own father. Growing up in a small alley, she and her mother only had each other to depend on. The entire court laughed when she married into the imperial family. Even her husband, the King , was suspicious of her and repeatedly tried to test her loyalties. Duke Qi has been manipulating government affairs, the young king has always had lofty ideals for the future of his kingdom. Jin Feng's chubby appearance is unlike the fair and slender maidens in the inner court. With her around, life in the palace has become less boring and more chaotic. As the newly weds get to know each other, the most "mismatched" king and queen become the most perfect couple.



Sisi 2009



Emperor Akihito

Emperor Akihito 2019


Akihito, the Emperor of Japan, abdicated on April 30, 2019. This 3-parts NHK World documentary series chronicles the life of a former "divine child" who became the symbol of the Japanese State when he ascended the throne in 1989.