Her First Flame 1920
Thirty years in the future (when women are primary income-earners and men are stay-at-home housekeepers) Miss Hap is elected Fire Chief and leads her crew of firefighters to rescue a couple trapped in a burning building.
Thirty years in the future (when women are primary income-earners and men are stay-at-home housekeepers) Miss Hap is elected Fire Chief and leads her crew of firefighters to rescue a couple trapped in a burning building.
Ethelyn Gibson has run away from daddy Ted Lorch because he wants to sell her to Leo White, King of Little Italy, for his music hall. So she dresses as a man and runs into Billy West in this scattershot burlesque.
Misadventures of a traveling company of actors performing for one night in a small town. When the troupe's leading lady deserts the show for a better paying job as a waitress, a young woman from the town gets the role for one night.
Miss Henry is the maid-of-all-work at a hotel. She cleans everything, operates the elevator, cooks and serves the meal and spots series regular, Milburn Morante apparently strangling a young woman in her room.
Two guys flirt with women at a hotel.
Her Tender Feet
Charlie stays at a seaside lodging house frequented by sailors. He gets involved with a gang of crooks when a sea captain attempts to kidnap his landlady's daughter.
Cash is a 1919 silent comedy short.
Four men are out rabbit hunting and encounter a beautiful young lady, who promises to marry the first one who brings her a white rabbit.
Monty Banks plays Sherlock McNutt in this Charley Chase short. Partially lost; five minutes survive.
Film released by Bulls Eye Film Company
The Wild Woman is a silent comedy
A lady bandit steals from gamblers and gives to a poor family with a crippled daughter.