Blackbeard, the Pirate surgeon, pirate, swashbuckler, 18th century, sword duel, pirate ship, blackbeard TeitlBlackbeard, the Pirate Blwyddyn1952 GenreAdventure GwladUnited States of America StiwdioRKO Radio Pictures CastRobert Newton, Linda Darnell, William Bendix, Keith Andes, Torin Thatcher, Irene Ryan CriwRaoul Walsh (Director), Edmund Grainger (Producer), DeVallon Scott (Story), Alan Le May (Screenplay), Jack Okey (Art Direction), Darrell Silvera (Set Decoration) Allweddairsurgeon, pirate, swashbuckler, 18th century, sword duel, pirate ship, blackbeard RhyddhauDec 24, 1952 Amser Cinio99 munudau AnsawddHD IMDb5.90 / 10 gan 44 defnyddwyr Poblogrwydd2 Cyllideb0 Refeniw0 IaithEnglish Dadlwythwch 4K Dadlwythwch 4K Dadlwythwch 4K Dadlwythwch Amazon Video HD Dadlwythwch Apple TV HD Dadlwythwch Google Play Movies HD Dadlwythwch Amazon Video SD Dadlwythwch Apple TV SD Dadlwythwch Google Play Movies SD Dadlwythwch