Ellen Burstyn Fontána Requiem za sen W. Podoby lásky Když muž miluje ženu The Five People You Meet In Heaven Co si ušít do výbavy Walking Across Egypt Poslední představení Zemřít mladý Rituál Alex in Wonderland The Elephant King Vymítač ďábla Podivná tajemství Greta Mitch Albom's For One More Day Ztráta diamantové slzy I Love Liberty Králíček Sameťáček aneb Jak hračky ožívají Harry a Tonto The Stone Angel Naši otcové Příští rok ve stejnou dobu Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam The Horror Hall of Fame: A Monster Salute Alice už tu nebydlí „Spitfire“ Grill Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Rock 'n' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood The Baby-Sitters Club Κραυγή Γυναικών The Mighty Macs Temná zákoutí Grand Isle Timepiece Picture This: The Times of Peter Bogdanovich in Archer City, Texas Zralá láska The King of Marvin Gardens Goodbye Charlie Providence The Patron Saint of Liars Three Months Brush with Fate Pit Stop Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You The Cemetery Club Tropic of Cancer Resurrection For Those Who Think Young Love, Marilyn Twice in a Lifetime The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist Marilyn in Manhattan Malá mořská víla Within These Walls Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow Fear and Love: The Story of The Exorcist Interstellar The Madam's Family: The Truth About the Canal Street Brothel Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist Velký draft Velvyslanec Thursday's Game Květiny v podkroví Night Ride Home River of Fundament And the Oscar Goes To... Hello Actors Studio Pack of Lies People vs. Jean Harris My Brother's Keeper Volání Deceiver 30 Days La Voie de l‘ennemi Silence of the North Nikdo není sám Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre Věčně mladá Mrs. Lambert Remembers Love Stardust: The Bette Davis Story Sois belle et tais-toi ! Matka a gauč Main Street Ricochet Fuddy Meers Act of Vengeance Martin Scorsese, Ital mezi Američany Scout a její příběh Surviving Wish You Well Follow The River Unity Wiener-Dog Flash Night of 100 Stars II Příběh When You Remember Me Hanna's War Custody Getting Gotti The Last Picture Show: A Look Back The House of Tomorrow Bathing Flo Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story Nostalgia Trick of the Eye You Can Thank Me Later Maličkost k narozeninám Memories, Dreams & Addictions Reflections of a Philosopher King Into Thin Air Paní Harrisová Marilyn Monroe: Auction of a Lifetime Lucy in the Sky A Deadly Vision Friedkin Uncut Včelí královny American Woman PoliWood The Color of Evening Steven Arnold: Heavenly Bodies Červený drak The Christmas Tree BBStory: An American Film Renaissance America Lost and Found: The BBS Story Getting Out Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story Střípky ženy Earth and the American Dream Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Second Chances Easy Out? Další šťastný den Something in Common The Making of Requiem for a Dream Watch on the Rhine Vymítač ďábla: Znamení víry Night of 100 Stars Delphine et Carole, insoumuses A Decade Under the Influence Duse, the Greatest E. Jean Carroll V. Donald J. Trump Paul Newman, derrière les yeux bleus Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre Lístky ve větru When It Was a Game 2 Place To Be Within These Walls Bathing Flo The House of Tomorrow The Time Tunnel Inside the Actors Studio 77 Sunset Strip Cheyenne Kraft Suspense Theatre The View Zákon a pořádek: Útvar pro zvláštní oběti The Book of Daniel Surfside 6 Perry Mason Gunsmoke Velká láska Hallmark Hall of Fame That's Life The Greatest Show on Earth Going My Way Bus Stop Ben Casey The Detectives The Ellen Burstyn Show Vacation Playhouse Dr. Kildare The Defenders The Oscars Letter to Loretta Politická hra The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis Ben Casey 77 Sunset Strip Law & Order: Organized Crime Coma Máma Tony Awards Saturday Night Live Tony Awards Gunsmoke Tony Awards Reframed: Marilyn Monroe American Experience I'm Dickens, He's Fenster Checkmate Z vlastní vůle První dáma Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame The Rosie O'Donnell Show The Big Valley Dům z karet Tony Awards Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Tony Awards Dinah!