David Connell Prosincoví kluci Robinson Crusoe Noční letec Fortress Early Frost Hercules Returns What the Moon Saw Clover Gross Misconduct Twilight Man Sniper 2 A Christmas Gift from Bob Hound Dogs Les Patterson Saves the World Rio Diablo An Unfinished Affair Heaven Tonight Boulevard of Broken Dreams Chameleon II: Death Match Don Quixote Secrets Ikona Nekonečný příběh 2 The Ascent Witch Hunt My Name Is Kate Between Love and Hate The Only Way Out Fifty Fifty Ztraceni v poušti Ve stínu lovce Left Behind: World at War Opravdoví kamarádi Skryté zlo Left Behind: World at War Trouble in Paradise Flynn Carsen 3: Jidášův kalich Over the Hill The Yearling