Paul Joyal Cyberwar 2022 For Hope Action #1 Let It Snow Misbegotten Supervulkán Vánoce na cestách Plavba smrti Skutečné vraždy: Pachatel mezi námi When Friendship Kills School of Life My Baby Is Missing Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher Making Mr. Right Love Sick: Secrets of a Sex Addict Making Spirits Bright A Stranger in the Mirror A Stranger in the Mirror Paparazzi Princess: The Paris Hilton Story The Break-up Artist Pomsta a spravedlnost Goodnight for Justice: The Measure of a Man Mateřská posedlost Goodnight for Justice: Queen of Hearts Tom, Dick and Harriet Jak se zamilovat (v osmi lekcích) Woman on the Ledge Woman on the Ledge Welcome to Mama's The Christmas Note Osudný omyl Every Second Counts Before I Fall My Gal Sunday Láska s vůní oregana Seventeen and Missing A Very Cool Christmas Come Dance at My Wedding Three Weeks, Three Kids Smrt čeká všude Cries in the Dark Všem klukům, které jsem milovala Stolen Innocence Život jde dál Sniper: Assassin's End The Ex Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying Passion's Web Pygmalion