Maryedith Burrell Samantha Thumbelina Big Trouble Zkázonosná Eva Všechno je dovoleno! The Last Seduction Last of the Great Survivors Those She Left Behind Polib mě na rozloučenou White Hot: The Mysterious Murder of Thelma Todd Em Busca de Confusão Herschel drtí faraony The Little Match Girl Second Honeymoon From Here to Maternity Mr. St. Nick The Great Mom Swap The Great Mom Swap In the Nick of Time Hot Chocolate The Dancing Princesses Thumbelina Popples The Little Match Girl To je vražda, napsala Rodinná pouta Remington Steele Kutil Tim Simon & Simon Mike Hammer, Private Eye Filthy Rich Nemocnice Chicago Hope Throb Fridays Annie McGuire Parenthood The Jackie Thomas Show Seinfeld Seinfeld Taxi Faerie Tale Theatre Superman Throb Throb Throb