Russell Lloyd Muž, který chtěl být králem Bílá Velryba The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu Reflections in a Golden Eye Co se nepromíjí Bůh to vidí, pane Allisone The Roots of Heaven Absolute Beginners Of Human Bondage Saturday Island In Celebration Muž v domě Ostrov pokladů Return from the Ashes The Green Cockatoo The Squeaker The Sea Shall Not Have Them Mackintoshův člověk झांसी की रानी Where Is Parsifal? The Lion The Last Run Blood Link Dykket Sinful Davey MEG: Monstrum z hlubin I'll Get You for This The Lady Vanishes Anna Karenina The Wild Affair The Kremlin Letter Rough Shoot Hon na lišku Whirlpool A Walk with Love and Death School for Secrets Caligula Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing Star of India