Thomas Johnson Philharmaniacs Trigger Treat Disguise The Limit Terry The Terror Spooking of Ghosts Peck Your Own Home Felineous Assault Miceniks Fine Feathered Fiend The Mild West Nearlyweds Patriotic Popeye Spooky Swabs Spree Lunch Popeye for President Pepek, soukromý detektiv Out to Punch Hill-billing and Cooing Toreadorable Riot in Rhythm Firemen's Brawl Car-azy Drivers Penny Antics Beaus Will Be Beaus Shaving Muggs The Circus Comes to Clown Big Bad Sindbad Taxi-Turvy Granite Hotel Child Sockology Tots of Fun Popalong Popeye Swimmer Take All Quick on the Vigor Vacation with Play Thrill of Fair Silly Hillbilly Popeye's Pappy Popeye Makes a Movie Beach Peach Gym Jam Barking Dogs Don't Fite Lumberjack and Jill The Farmer and the Belle How Green Is My Spinach Wigwam Whoopee A Wolf in Sheik's Clothing Possum Pearl Olive Oyl for President Heap Hep Injuns The Royal Four-Flusher Little Red School Mouse Huey's Father's Day Chew Chew Baby Comin' Round the Mountain Philharmaniacs By Leaps and Hounds She Wronged Him Right Flies Ain't Human Stealin Aint Honest Betty in Blunderland Gift of Gag Fit to Be Toyed The Royal Four-Flusher I'll Be Skiing Ya Wotta Knight Wotta Knight Safari So Good Safari So Good I'll Be Skiing Ya Zero the Hound