Mike Fox The World of 'The Dark Crystal' Lost Children of the Empire The Way of the Heart The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II The Cat and the Canary Zkáza Titaniku Violent Playground The Spanish Gardener Prodané životy Tiger in the Smoke Dangerous Exile The Square Peg LHR LHR The 39 Steps LHR Rockets Galore The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer Madame Sin Modrý Max I Start Counting Alfréd Veliký Strictly for the Birds Superman Ve stínu upíra Naděje a sláva Fools of Fortune Let It Be Above Us the Earth Macbeth Báječní muži na létajících strojích Dvojník The Road Builder Band of Thieves Lord Jim Sherlock Holmes ve Vídni Potopte Bismarck! Lawrence z Arábie The Greengage Summer The Best House in London Rik Mayall Presents: Briefest Encounter The Valiant Alfréd Veliký Nebezpečné známosti Chitty Chitty Bang Bang One More Kiss