Richard Roxburgh Mission: Impossible 2 Moulin Rouge Stealth: Přísně tajná mise Nepřemožitelné zlo Van Helsing Liga výjimečných The Touch Children of the Revolution Pes baskervillský Hawke Legenda o sovích strážcích Matching Jack Like Minds The Diplomat The Last September Jeskyně smrti The One and Only The Turning Billy's Holiday Thank God He Met Lizzie Doing Time for Patsy Cline Ledová apokalypsa In the Winter Dark Dead to the World The Last of the Ryans Lessons in the Language of Love Animal Kingdom 3D: A Tale of Six Families Síla přírody: Sucho 2 Talk Passion Eden Oscar and Lucinda Moje kouzelná rodinka Včelka Mája CrimeBroker Looking for Grace Mrkáček Bill Still Twisted The Silence Breath Hayride to Hell A Little Bit of Soul Hacksaw Ridge: Zrození hrdiny The Road from Coorain The Correspondent Tracks of Glory Blue Murder Včelka Mája: Medové hry Motokáry Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan The Night Club of Your Dreams: The Making of 'Moulin Rouge' Poor Boy Život jako abeceda Můj andílek The Riddle of the Stinson The Saint: Fear in Fun Park Swinging Safari Elvis Lesbian Space Princess Romulus, můj otec Romulus, můj otec Blue Murder Ice East of Everything False Witness Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe Rake Fires Australia: The Story of Us Voyage to the Planets Blue Murder: Killer Cop Police Rescue Blonde Prosper Hawke: The Larrikin and The Leader Science of Drugs with Richard Roxburgh The Crown and Us: The Story of The Royals in Australia Bali 2002 Frankly The Hunting The Pool Kateřina Veliká Halifaxová, soudní psychiatr The Paper Man Koruna Koruna Koruna Koruna