Susan Wooldridge A TV Dante The Dark Room Neodolatelná Tamara Time and the Conways Broke Potopa The Lady Just Like a Woman Crossing to Freedom How to Get Ahead in Advertising Loyalties Naděje a sláva Hra na vraždu Frankenstein Afraid of the Dark Bye Bye Blues Harold Pinter: A Celebration Pinochet in Suburbia The Hummingbird Tree Hay Fever The Devil's Disciple Butley The Naked Civil Servant Bad Company The Shout Butter Crimestrike Changing Step Miss Pym's Day Out Profesionálové Eleventh Hour The Last Detective Vraždy v Midsomeru Heartbeat Wycliffe The Commander Divadlo Raye Bradburyho (All Quiet on the) Preston Front Napoleon and Love The Racing Game The Jewel in the Crown Nejvzdálenější místo na Zemi Tickle on the Tum Still Star-Crossed Čarodějnice školou povinné Dvacet tisíc ulic pod nebem Underworld Bergerac Skandál po anglicku Lady Killers The Play on One Válka světů KAOS