Jan Scott Grace & Glorie Square Dance She Lives! Milující páry Marilyn: The Untold Story The Lie Judge Dee and the Monastery Murders Alice in Wonderland Rich and Famous Can Ellen Be Saved? Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess Grandview, U.S.A. Brigadoon The Andersonville Trial The Love Letter Montserrat Another Part of the Forest The End Vlak sirotků Vlak sirotků A Girl Named Sooner Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls Second Serve Danielle Steel: Osudy Carousel Deep Family Secrets Svět Henryho Orienta Stiletto Foxfire Nightmare in Badham County Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years The Gathering Caroline? Trilogy of Terror A Storm in Summer Konec ráje The Summer of Ben Tyler Getting Out A Time to Heal Kismet Young Pioneers The Big Bust Theory Shadow Game The Man Without a Country Journey from Darkness