Cedric Smith Heritage Minutes: Marshall McLuhan Static Who Has Seen the Wind Heaven On Earth Heritage Minutes: Vimy Ridge Baby's First Christmas More Than Meets the Eye: The Joan Brock Story Life on Juniper Shadow Island Mysteries: The Last Christmas Le peloton d'exécution Abandoned in the Arctic Jenifer L.M. Montgomery's Island Kevin Sullivan's Classic The Dependables Fast Company Witchboard III: The Possession The Christmas Switch An Avonlea Christmas The Long Island Incident Love and Hate: The Story of Colin and Joanne Thatcher Millennium Lost in the Barrens II: The Curse of the Viking Grave The Suicide Club X-Men: The Legend of Wolverine Everything to Gain Samuel Lount Butterbox Babies Sleeping Dogs Lie The Penthouse Turn the Beat Around The Music in Me The Italian Machine Golden Will: The Silken Laumann Story Leonardo: A Dream of Flight Evangelium podle Jana Power and Beauty Sea People Anna ze Zelených vršků Shades of Black: The Conrad Black Story Taxi! Dotek zla Bouřlivý mys Spiderman Mutant X Pátek třináctého Pásmo soumraku Forever Knight The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents Soul Food Lovci pokladů Blue Murder V síti CIA Highlander: Havran Divadlo Raye Bradburyho Veritas: The Quest XIII Road to Avonlea Twice in a Lifetime Blazing Dragons Doc Zvláštní efekty Protiúder The Campbells Street Time The Future Is Wild Friends and Heroes Kung Fu: Legenda pokračuje Teleplay X-Men Silver Surfer Směr jih Země: poslední konflikt War of the Worlds This Is Wonderland