John F. Link Predátor Smrtonosná past Tři mušketýři Šampioni Hrozba smrti Šampióni 2 Komando Ruka na kolébce The Last Angry Man Závod s ďáblem Supertajná zbraň Vraždy v Cherry Falls Těžko ho zabít The President's Plane Is Missing The King of Marvin Gardens Hraniční čára The Day the Earth Moved The Norliss Tapes Lace 2 I'm a Fool They've Killed President Lincoln! Heat of Anger Zůstaň hladový Harem Make Me an Offer Smrt u Hell's Gate The Big Green Tiger Town Threesome Message to My Daughter Murder at the World Series Přísně tajné prázdniny Lawman Without a Gun Revenge! Mizera Slashed Dreams Promised a Miracle Footprints On The Moon Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land Someone I Touched The Renegades The Quest – Souboj cti Hurry Sundown Citizens Band The Streets of L.A. Nightmare at Bittercreek The Incredible Rocky Mountain Race