Jack Hawkins Lawrence z Arábie Ben Hur Most přes řeku Kwai Masquerade Oh! What a Lovely War Lord Jim The Fallen Idol Kidnapped Waterloo Krvavé divadlo Andělská peruť Zulu Tales That Witness Madness The Trial and Torture of Sir John Rampayne Země faraonů The Black Rose No Highway in the Sky Gideon's Day Guns at Batasi Mikuláš a Alexandra Zvony smrti Na řvoucích strojích do Monte Carla Hvězdná hodina Kruté moře Shalako Young Winston The League of Gentlemen Malta Story The Man in the Sky Mandy La Fayette Rameno spravedlnosti The Prisoner The Third Secret Rampage Death at Broadcasting House Sin The Seekers Great Catherine Jane Eyre The Two-Headed Spy Murder Will Out Fortune Is a Woman State Secret The Poppy Is Also a Flower The Elusive Pimpernel Judith I Lived with You The Lodger The Planter's Wife Twice Upon a Time Gerardova dobrodružství Autumn Crocus Peg of Old Drury Five Finger Exercise The Rise and Fall of a Jungle Giant Two Loves Home at Seven Bonnie Prince Charlie The Intruder The Frog Touch and Go Birds of Prey Front Page Story Ukryté diamanty The Flying Squad The Good Companions The Lost Chord A Shot in the Dark The Jewel The Open Door The Next of Kin Lorna Doone Stalked Beauty and the Barge Who Goes Next? Twinky Escape to the Sun The Father A Royal Divorce The Last Lion Pathway Into Light The Ruling Class The Merv Griffin Show Mystery and Imagination Dr. Kildare Hancock's Half Hour QB VII The Four Just Men Zavolejte porodní sestřičky The Dick Cavett Show Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre The Four Just Men