
Babygirl 2024


Tento napínavý a provokativní snímek sleduje vysoce postavenou ředitelku Romy, která si začne románek s mladším stážistou Samuelem. Babygirl je osvobozující příběh jedné ženy a vyprávěn ženou, což ho činí jedinečným a autentickým. Je to film o sexu, touze, vašich vnitřních myšlenkách, tajemství, manželství, pravdě, moci.


Láska sladká i kyselá

Láska sladká i kyselá 2021


Zamilovaný pár řeší každodenní strasti i slasti a snaží se přitom zvládat nástrahy vztahu na dálku.


Než ďábel zjistí, že seš mrtvej

Než ďábel zjistí, že seš mrtvej 2007


Bratři Andy (Hoffman) a Hank (Hawke) mají problém – tíživý nedostatek financí. Jeden si užíval, ale za cenu daňových úniků, na které mu právě přišel auditor. Druhý nemá práci a tím pádem ani peníze na výživné pro své dítě a svojí bývalou ženu. Aby se z toho dostali ven, napadl Andyho tak trochu zvrácený nápad, jehož realizací je pověřen Hank. Rozhodnou se vyloupit klenotnictví svých rodičů. Věci se ovšem vymknou kontrole a místo lupu se oba dostanou do ještě šílenějších situací, než si kdy dokázali představit. Při loupeži totiž byla zavražděna jejich matka a otec se sám pouští do pátrání po vrazích. Andy a Hank se sice chovají jako malé vystrašené děti, ale jejich počínání má příliš radikální důsledky. Kolotoč zabíjení, který rozběhnou díky své neschopnosti normálně fungovat, je pak žene až na samou hranu společensky únosného chování a trest na sebe nenechá dlouho čekat. Jasný, účinný a chytře vymyšlený plán jak rychle přijít k penězům se tak pro oba stává noční můrou.


Malý kousek nebe

Malý kousek nebe 2011


Drama s komediálními a romantickými prvky. Marley Corbett je mladá žena, která se snaží vyrovnat s faktem, že má rakovinu. Do toho pozná nového muže, Juliana Goldsteina, do kterého by se mohla zamilovat, ale vše okolo nepřinásí nic jiného než strach, který je větší než ze smrti.


Všude dobře, doma peklo

Všude dobře, doma peklo 2015


Život Dona Champagne (Patrick Wilson) se zdá být bezchybný. Vede úspěšný podnik, má pohádkový dům na předměstí, perfektní rodinu, vše co si se svou ženou Monou (Katherine Heigl) vysnili. Zvrat v jejich perfektně vyvedeném životě přijde tehdy, když se Mona dozví o Donově nevěře s krásnou prodavačkou Dusty (Jordana Brewster), kterou Don nově najal. Don si brzy uvědomí, že se Mona nezastaví před ničím, dokonce ani před vraždou, aby zachránila jejich doposud ničím nerušený život na předměstí, který si do posledního detailu pečlivě naplánovala.


Fune wo amu

Fune wo amu 2013


Film se odehrává v polovině 90. let, kdy se skupina editorů pokouší vytvořit dokonalý slovník. Do této skupiny se začleňuje introvertní nováček Majime a nechybí zde ani romantická linie, týkající se vztahu s vnučkou jeho bytné.


Zamračené dny

Zamračené dny 2007


Dobře situovaní italští manželé středního věku jsou nuceni čelit nečekané životní krizi. Muže vyhodí z firmy, kterou spoluvlastnil, a on je stále více deprimován marnými pokusy sehnat nové místo. Role živitele rodiny se ujme jeho kultivovaná žena, mezi partnery se ale začnou vyhrocovat konflikty.



Purl 2019



Policejní film

Policejní film 2021


Dokument na pomezí faktů a fikce, který se zabývá korupcí v řadách mexické policie pohledem dvou jejích členů.


Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy 2005


Follows the personal and professional lives of a group of doctors at Seattle’s Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.



Severance 2022


Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs.



Oishinbo 1988


The newspaper office, Tozai Shinbun, plans to publish the Ultimate Menu to commemorate their 100th anniversary. It would not only describe foods but also pass on dietary cultures for many generations to come. Despite its importance, Shirou Yamaoka, a lazy employee, and Yuuko Kurita, a company newcomer, are selected as the editors.


King the Land

King the Land 2023


Amid a tense inheritance fight, a charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile — which he cannot stand.


Begin Again

Begin Again 2016


Young-Ja (Park Min-Ji) is the youngest daughter with a bright and positive personality. Her father suddenly collapses. For her family, Young-Ja gets a job at a department store as a sales person. She falls in love with Sung-Jae who is the head of planning & evaluation team there. He has lived alone since his wife and daughter died.


Mad Men

Mad Men 2007


Set in 1960-1970 New York, this sexy, stylized and provocative drama follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising.



Workaholics 2011


The misadventures of three recent college dropouts, roommates, and co-workers at a telemarketing company and their drug dealer.


My True Friend

My True Friend 2019


A modern drama focusing on the relationship between real estate agents and customers wanting to find the perfect home in a growing property market.


The Fearless

The Fearless 2023


Luo Yingzi, a self-taught lawyer who, after personal setbacks, teams up with Qiu Hua and Xia Shu to fight for justice, navigating both legal challenges and their own personal struggles


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.



Wagnaria!! 2010


Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Sōta Takanashi works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Popura Taneshima, a high school girl who—despite being a year older than Sōta—is easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Kyoko Shirafuji, the 28-year-old store manager who does not bother to do any work at all.


Age Life

Age Life 2018


Yang Zi comes from a broken family. Her family life revolves around quarrelling with her older brother Liu Bei Shi. In love, she is a perpetual loser. She either meets men who do not know a thing about women or men who cling onto women. At work, Yang Zi has the heart but lacks the skill to succeed. In her social life, Yang Zi has the best type of friends. They are the kind of people who borrow money but never return them. Every unusual encounter for Yang Zi has become a part of her daily norm. A story about a woman who finds herself in outrageous situations when life continually messes with her.


A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!

A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! 2024


Haruaki Abe is happy to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a teacher. That happiness is short-lived after he arrives at Hyakki Academy and finds out the school is full of monsters! Can Abe overcome his cowardice and get his supernatural students under control? Join the timid teacher and his bizarre class for a tale of ghoulish mischief and paranormal education.


Here We Meet Again

Here We Meet Again 2023


In their school days, Xiang Yuan pursued Xu Yan Shi with all her might to no avail. Reunited as adults, she is trying to save a company while he is deep in the mud due to problems in the workplace. Despite facing inequality, he is determined to pursue his dream to become a navigation engineer. In the process of dealing with the company crisis, Xiang Yuan gradually learns to take matters into her own hands. The two come to support each other as they realize their dreams.


Wakako Zake

Wakako Zake 2015


Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone to enjoy eating and drinking, especially when something unpleasant happens at work. Thie show follows Wakako through many solitary outings, where she enjoys different combinations of food and drink!


Find Yourself

Find Yourself 2020


A love story between an accomplished career woman and a younger man... He Fan Xing's company is at risk of being acquired, while her relationship with Yuan Song faces societal pressures due to their age difference. The consecutive blows in her work and love life push her to an emotional quagmire, and it is during this time that Ye Lu Ming enters her life. Being older in age, he is mature, stable and knowledgeable. He becomes He Fan Xing's life coach and the source of conflict between the couple. For He Fan Xing, it's not merely a matter of choosing the man that she loves, but considering the contradictions of adopting the traditional mindset on marriage.



完美伴侣 2022


Chen Shan, a renowned female lawyer, has reached the nadir of her career at the age of 40. Because of work, she has no time to care for her husband and daughter’s needs. Her husband, Sun Lei has put aside his career goals to accommodate the family. Although this arrangement has been working well for the past few years, it gradually loses balance and becomes a burden. At this time, investment elite Lin Qing Kun appears and Chen Shan has to beat her competitors to get his deal. Facing the pressure of managing her marriage and career. Chen Shan tries hard to balance the two but failed to do so. Sun Lei and Chen Shan goes through multiple challenges, and seem to have found a better partner than each other for themselves. However, with each stumbling step, they finally realize that with their own imperfections, they are each other's, perfect partner.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.