Transformers: Zánik

Transformers: Zánik 2014


Automechanik Cade Yager se snaží uživit sebe a svou dospívající dceru Tessu opravováním hodně nepojízdných vraků. Zoufale se mu nedaří, ale jen do doby, než se z jednoho roztřískaného náklaďáku vyklube Transformer a zrovna ten nejdůležitější – Optimus Prime. Cade z toho jen těžko může mít radost, protože Amerika se ještě úplně nevzpamatovala ze souboje „hodných“ Autobotů se „zlými“ Deceptikony, který na konci třetího dílu zlikvidoval půlku Chicaga. Čtyři roky poté jsou všichni zástupci téhle mimozemské rasy na indexu a elitní vědecké mozky se snaží vytvořit pozemské Transformery, kteří by účinněji čelili podobným hrozbám. Z minulosti ale víme, že cesta do pekel bývá dlážděná dobrými úmysly, a jinak tomu nebude ani v tomto případě. To však Cadea příliš netrápí. Zatím. Jako nový lidský parťák toho nejslavnějšího z Transformerů se ocitl nejen v hledáčku americké vlády, ale pronásledují ho i Optimovi krajané.


Jackass: Film

Jackass: Film 2002


První film od kultovních Jackass, největších magorů, které kdy kdo pustil na televizní obrazovku. Nekontrolovatelné záchvaty smíchu, pro slabší povahy i návaly zvracení, to vše vás čeká u snímku, který boří pilíře konvenční zábavy a dobrého vkusu. Pro někoho nepochopené umělecké dílo, pro jiného nejstupidnější způsob zábavy.


Sing Street

Sing Street 2016


Film se odehrává v Irsku v polovině 80. let, kdy v důsledku nedostatku práce řada Irů opouští zemi a odjíždí hledat štěstí do Anglie nebo Ameriky. Rodiče patnáctiletého Conora (Ferdia Walsh-Peelo) spolu nevychází, hádají se a potřebují ušetřit peníze v napnutém rodinném rozpočtu. Proto se Conor musí přesunout na levnější školu, kde na něj čeká šikana od spolužáků a do oka si nepadne ani s místními učiteli. Zatímco se snad všechno v jeho životě ubírá špatným směrem, potká před školou o rok starší Raphinu (Lucy Boynton), která chce prorazit jako modelka. Aby získal její pozornost, pozve ji na natáčení videoklipu k písni jeho hudební skupiny. Zbývá už jen jediné – založit hudební skupinu a složit nějakou píseň...


Jeden den v New Yorku

Jeden den v New Yorku 2004


Dvojčata Roxy a Jane Ryanová se vydávají do New Yorku s cílem splnit si své sny. Výborná studentka Jane chce získat stipendium na univerzitě, zatímco její rebelská sestra Roxy by zde ráda odstartovala svou hudební kariéru. Ale v New Yorku se může stát cokoli a věru se také stane!



UHF 1989




ANIMA 2019


Krátký hudební film v režii Paula Thomase Andersona. Hudbu složil Thom Yorke z Radiohead, který v tomhle nekonvenčním videu i hraje. Doporučujeme pouštět hodně nahlas.


Ďábelská frekvence

Ďábelská frekvence 1992


Televize není v oblibě. Hlas odporu se šíří vzduchem i kabelem. Jedna chce zvýšit televizní poplatky, další vysílá nehodnotnou zábavu. Fuj. Kam se ale všechna negativa hrabou na peklovizi. Začíná komediální putování po odvrácené straně obrazovky, kde se o výběr koncesionářských duší stará samotný ďábel.



Ghosts 1997


40minutový muzikál, ve kterém hraje Michael hned několik rolí sám. Využívá k tomu speciální make up a speciální efekty, mění hlas. Film Ghosts byl i kritiky přijat jako film, který mění zaběhnuté standardy ve filmové práci. Děj: Maestro žije v Normálním údolí a nikomu neubližuje. Nelíbí se ale místnímu starostovi, který ho chce s pomocí lidí z vesnice vyhnat. Nakonec se starosta a Maestro domluví, že kdo dřív uteče, odejde. Film vlastně satiricky ukazuje Michaelův život v posledních letech. Je plný duchů, strašidel a velmi zvláštních situací.


Downfalls High

Downfalls High 2021


Pop punkový muzikál ze střední. Machine Gun Kelly v něm spolu s Travisem Barkerem vypráví příběh outsidera Fenixe (Chase Hudson), který se proti všem předpokladům seznámí s populární dívkou z jeho školy Scarlett (Sydney Sweeney). Za doprovodu Machine Gun Kellyho hudby z alba „Tickets To My Downfall“ se nám před očima odvíjí dramatický příběh jednoho obyčejného kluka z obyčejné střední školy.


Mladí srdcem

Mladí srdcem 2008


Partička amatérských hudebníků ve věku mezi 75-93 lety oslňuje se svou jedinečnou show, kamkoliv se vypraví. Strhující nadšení úžasných lidí, kteří nebudou nikdy za zenitem a dovedou si život užívat navzdory všem těžkostem, okouzlí každého, kdo je potká!


Depeche Mode: Spirits in the Forest

Depeche Mode: Spirits in the Forest 2019


Příběh šesti fanoušků kultovní kapely Deche Mode na pozadí koncertu v berlínském amfiteátru Waldbühne konaného v létě 2018.


MTV Video Music Awards

MTV Video Music Awards 1984


An annual award ceremony presented by MTV to honor the best in the music video medium.



TRL 1998


Total Request Live was a television series on MTV that featured popular music videos. TRL was MTV's prime outlet for music videos as the network continued to concentrate on reality-based programming. In addition to music videos, TRL featured daily guests. The show was a popular promotion tool used by musicians, actors, and other celebrities to promote their newest works to the show's target teen demographic. TRL played the top ten most requested videos of the day, as requested by viewers who voted online for their favorite video. The countdown started with the tenth most requested video and ended with the most requested. As of October 22, 2007, TRL's countdown was based on votes, charts, ringtones, download, radio airplay, and streams, meaning that the most user requested video might not have been the number 1 video. The show generally aired Monday through Thursday for one hour, though the scheduling and length of the show fluctuated over the years. Despite the word "Live" in the title of the show, many episodes were actually pre-recorded. It was announced on September 15, 2008 that TRL would be shut down and replaced with FNMTV. The special three-hour finale aired on November 16, 2008, at 8 p.m.


Making the Video

Making the Video 1999


Making the Video is an MTV show, consisting of half-hour episodes, which chronicles the process of filming various music videos. Usually the director outlines the concept of the video and the show often includes light-hearted and humorous moments. It always concludes with a premiere of the finished video. The show premiered on July 11, 1999 and is currently on a hiatus as of 2009. MTV2 has a similar show entitled [Name of Band/Artist] Makes a Video that has featured artists such as 50 Cent, Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional, Evanescence, and Mos Def among others.



B4 2004


B4 was an early morning music video programme broadcast since 2004 on weekdays on Channel 4 at 7am. It was normally broadcast as part of Channel 4's breakfast programming following children's programme The Hoobs and preceding a number of comedy programmes normally imported from America. Produced by the firm behind ITVs The Chart Show, and spin off from their B4 music channel on cable and satellite, the show features around 7 new upfront videos each day that will be released in the United Kingdom in the near future, normally within the next month.


Friday Night Videos

Friday Night Videos 1983


Friday Night Videos is an American music video show broadcast on the NBC television network from July 29, 1983 to May 24, 2002, and was the network's attempt to capitalize on the emerging popularity of music videos as seen on MTV. Belinda Carlisle was the guest host for the first episode.


The Chart Show

The Chart Show 1986


The Chart Show is a music video programme which ran in the United Kingdom on Channel 4 between 1986 and 1988, then on ITV between 1989 and 1998. The production company was Video Visuals, and was credited as "A Yorkshire Television Presentation" from 1993 and 1998. The show has lived on through a Channel 4 revival in 2003 and a more recent revival on the digital music channel Chart Show TV, which ran sporadically from 2008 and 2009.


Al Music

Al Music 1993


Similar to "Al TV", this show was broadcast on Canada's MuchMusic network.


Yo! MTV Raps

Yo! MTV Raps 2019


Yo! MTV Raps is a two-hour American television music video program, which ran from August 1988 to August 1995 through its original Yo! MTV Raps name and later by Yo!. The program was the first hip hop music show on the network, based on the original MTV Europe show, aired one year earlier. Yo! MTV Raps produced a lively mix of rap videos, interviews with rap stars, live in studio performances and comedy. The show also yielded a brazilian version called Yo! MTV and broadcast by MTV Brasil from 1990 to 2005.


Headbangers Ball

Headbangers Ball 1987


Headbangers Ball (also referred to as simply The Ball) was a music television program consisting of heavy metal music videos airing on MTV, MTV2 (its sister channel), MTV Australia, MTV Rocks (formerly known as MTV2 Europe), MTV Adria (the MTV subsidiary covering the former Yugoslavia), MTV Brand New, MTV Portugal, MTV Finland, MTV Arabia, MTV Norway, MTV Sweden, MTV Denmark, MTV Greece, MTV Türkiye, MTV Israel, MTV Hungary and MTV Japan. The show began on MTV on April 18, 1987,[1] playing heavy metal and hard rock music videos late at night, from both well-known and more obscure artists. The show offered (and became famous because of) a stark contrast to Top 40 music videos shown during the day. However, with the mainstream rise of alternative rock, grunge, pop punk and rap music in the 1990s, the relevance of Headbangers Ball came into question, and the show was ultimately canceled in 1995. Over eight years later, as new genres of heavy metal were gaining a commercial foothold and fan interest became unavoidable, the program was reintroduced on MTV2. It has remained in varying degrees on the network's website, but is no longer shown on television. Many of the videos that aired on the first incarnation of the series would find a home on the similarly themed Metal Mayhem on sister channel MTV Classic.


MTV Video Music Awards Latinoamérica

MTV Video Music Awards Latinoamérica 2002


Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica was the Latin American version of the Video Music Awards. They were established in 2002 to celebrate the top music videos of the year in Latin America and the world. They are presented annually and broadcast live on MTV Networks Latin America. In 2010, the awards were cancelled replaced by the MTV World Stage Mexico.


Bled Music

Bled Music 1991


"Bled Music" is an Algerian musical television program broadcast on ENTV between 1991 and 1992. directed by Aziz Smati and presented by Kamel Dynamite, Farid Rockeur and Samia Benkherroubi. The show, with its irreverent tone, was very popular and had a significant impact on the Algerian music scene, allowing the emergence of many artists including Chaba Fadela, Cheb Sahraoui, Cheb Anouar and Mohamed Lamine. A ranking of music videos by popularity and relied on fans sending their votes by mail. At the end of the 1980s, unrest broke out in Algeria which led the country into a Black Decade. At this time, fundamentalist groups attempted to ban music and most other forms of artistic expression. The show continued to air despite death threats, but on February 14, 1994, Aziz Smati was shot in both legs by a young extremist, which ultimately led to the end of the show .


acareimon - VIII

acareimon - VIII 2021


It is the first video, in which he shows us the change and transition of being


Just Say Julie

Just Say Julie 1970


Just Say Julie is an American combination comedy/music video show starring and created by comedian and singer Julie Brown. The series aired from 1989 to 1992 on MTV in the United States, where it aired on Friday nights during its run.


Video Synchronicity

Video Synchronicity 1970


An aspiring-filmmaker arrives in Hollywood during the early 1980s and lands a job working on music videos.


There She Is!!

There She Is!! 1970


There She Is!! is a Flash cartoon series produced by a three-person team and hosted on the Korean website SamBakZa. The cartoons became particularly popular during the spring of 2004 when they were exposed to American and European audiences. The series is noted for its classic manhwa style elements and its high-quality animation. The first There she is!! generated a large amount of positive feedback from its online audience, including fan art, which drove SamBakZa to produce more cartoons in the series. The plot of the series is the romance between an anthropomorphic bunny and cat, in a world where such relationships are taboo. At the 2004 Anima Mundi animation festival in Brazil, this video won first place in both the Web Animation - Professional Jury and Web Animation - Audience divisions, as well as winning the Special Award Anima Mundi Web. Distribution rights to the series are licensed to Gyeonggi Digital Contents Agency. SamBakZa have moved to the Production Support Center located in Gyeonggi-do Bucheon-si. SamBakZa have also stated they may be setting up a registration system in the future on their main page, and will send emails to members when new episodes are released to the public.


Los 10+ Pedidos

Los 10+ Pedidos 1970


Los 10+ Pedidos is a television show broadcast on MTV in Latin America. It has the same concept as the U.S. MTV show Total Request Live in that it airs the ten most requested videos, and between the voted videos it shows other videos. It is believed to be one of the shows on MTVla with the highest ratings. Originally it was broadcast in an hour, then at the end of 2005 it was extended to ninety minutes, now it lasts one hour again. Most of the shows has VJs, the most recognized of which were Carmen Arce and Gabo in México and Cecilia Peckaitis and Gerónimo Santángello in Argentina. The physical presentation of the show, which includes images, animations and sounds, has changed on repeated occasions. During a short period of time — August to November 2005 — some of the most requested videos were not transmitted completely; instead, short clips were aired so more videos could be shown. In 2009, the show had a brief replacement called Tu Top which debuted the Monday following the rerun of 2008's Los 100+, the show suffered a mejor revamp during its absence and now there is only one 10+ for Latin America, with Gabo and Mecha hosting, the revamped show premiered April 20, 2009.


Say What?

Say What? 1970


Say What? is a music video series that aired on American MTV in 1998. It was created at a time when MTV was being heavily criticized for not playing as many music videos as it had in the past. In an attempt to remedy this problem, five shows were created that centered around videos: 12 Angry Viewers, MTV Live, Artist's Cut, Total Request, and Say What?.