
Trauma 2017


Čtyři přátelé navštíví chilský venkov a jsou brutálně napadeni mužem a jeho synem. Poté, co ve městě nenajdou pomoc, rozhodnou se s pomocí dvojice policistů těmto mužům postavit. Při této cestě však zjistí, že útočníci mají v krvi přímé dědictví nejtemnějšího období chilských dějin a budou muset čelit tomu nejbrutálnějšímu nepříteli.



Bastard 2023


V roce 1755 se zchudlý kapitán Ludvig Kahlen vydává dobýt drsné, nehostinné dánské vřesoviště se zdánlivě nemožným cílem: vybudovat tu ve jménu krále kolonii. Výměnou za to pro sebe získá tolik vytoužený šlechtický titul. Vynikající historické drama s řadou předností, z nichž ta nejpřesvědčivější je možná nejméně překvapivá. Je jí charisma staré školy, které z plátna vyzařuje díky Madsi Mikkelsenovi v roli muže, jehož mlčenlivou povahu a drsnou statečnost prověřují snad všechny myslitelné útrapy, které ho v Dánsku 18. století mohly potkat.


Brestská pevnost

Brestská pevnost 2010


22. červen 1941. Západní hranice Sovětského svazu. 3:15 hodin ráno. Začíná jedna z největších operací druhé světové války, operace Barbarossa – německý útok na Stalinovo impérium. A právě v těchto dnech se odehrává příběh obyvatelů města Brest, které se stane cílem prvních útoků wehrmachtu. Sověti se ale drží v místní pevnosti. Jak dlouho vydrží? Brest se tak stane místem hrdinného odporu.


Nepoznané: Ztracená pyramida

Nepoznané: Ztracená pyramida 2023


V tomto dokumentu proniknou Egyptští archeologové hluboko do historie. Při hledání pohřbené pyramidy odhalí hrobky a artefakty staré více než 4 000 let.


Sesterská láska

Sesterská láska 1994


Děj se odehrává ve francouzském provinčním městečku v roce 1932, kde pro bohatou vdovu a její dceru pracuje služebná Christine. Na její doporučení přijme vdova do svých služeb i Christininu sestru Leu. Mezi sestrami i jejich zaměstnankyní je však stále cítit velký odstup, který pramení z jejich rozdílného postavení ve společnosti. Dívky tak nemají nikoho než sebe. Christine navíc nebetyčně žárlí, když se o její setru začne zajímat někdo cizí. Jejich sourozenecký vztah se tak záhy stane vztahem založeným na sexu. O to intenzivněji však roste napětí mezi dívkami a jejich zaměstnavatelkou. Společné soužití v tomto temném domě a dusná atmosféra mezi jeho obyvatelkami nakonec vede k paranoie, nezvladatelnému vzteku a šokujícímu násilí.


Anul Nou care n-a fost

Anul Nou care n-a fost 2024


Na pokraji kontrarevoluce v Rumunsku v roce 1989 se uprostřed protestů a osobních bojů protne šest životů, které vedou k explozivnímu pádu Ceausesca a komunistického režimu.



Potopa 1974


Dvoudílný historický film Potopa natočil režisér Jerzy Hoffman podle stejnojmenného románu klasika polské literatury Henryka Sienkiewicze. Jeho děj se odehrává v 17. století, kdy do Polska vnikli Švédové pod vedením krále Karla Gustava a kdy zrada některých velmožů, jako Radziwillů umožnila, aby zaplavila celé kraje jako potopa. Sienkiewiczův román má komplikovanou konstrukci s rozsáhlým epickým dějem s mnoha vedlejšími motivy.


Antropocén: Epocha člověka

Antropocén: Epocha člověka 2018


Dosáhli jsme bezprecedentního okamžiku v historii naší planety. Lidé v současnosti ovlivňují Zemi a geologické procesy více než všechny přírodní síly dohromady. Dokumentární snímek kombinuje umění a vědu a přináší empirický, neučebnicový náhled na klíčový moment v historii geologie. Dechberoucí snímky přináší provokativní a nezapomenutelný zážitek a názorně ukazují dopad lidstva na naši planetu.



Hetalia 2009


In a time filled with wars, environmental concerns and issues, there lives a gaggle of beautiful boys that are the personification of the world's countries. Japan, England, France, Finland, Germany and the rest of the boys attend the World Conference and tackle issues like global warming with a heavy dose of fun. Through multiple world wars the gang will traverse deserts, build mecha U-boats and solve the world's problems together!


The Huckleberry Hound Show

The Huckleberry Hound Show 1958


The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.


Twilight of a Nation

Twilight of a Nation 1988


Twilight of a Nation is a Hong Kong television series based on the events of the Taiping Rebellion and the rise and fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the late Qing Dynasty. The 45 episodes long series was produced by Siu Sang and was first aired on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in November 1988. It was broadcast again on TVB in 1996. The theme songs and insert songs in the series were performed by Roman Tam.


Suryaputra Karn

Suryaputra Karn 2015


The story revolves around one of the best archer of the Mahabharata, Karna and narrates the entire story of Mahabharata from Karna and Pandavas' birth to the eventual crowning of Karna in the Swarga. The show covers the life journey of Karna on his way to becoming a great warrior.


The Conquest

The Conquest 2006


Fan Lai, Au Tsin, Fu Chai, and Sai Sze navigate power struggles, love, and war during ancient China’s Spring and Autumn Period.


Globo Repórter

Globo Repórter 1973


This show addresses issues related to the Brazilian way of life, highlighting matters such as health, education, work and nature.


The Conqueror's Story

The Conqueror's Story 2004


The Conqueror's Story is a Hong Kong television series based on the events in the Chu–Han Contention period of Chinese history. It was first broadcast in 2004 in Hong Kong on TVB Jade.


Barrister Babu

Barrister Babu 2020


The young female lead will get married in childhood to a grown-up hero (played by Pravisht). Later, a hero will make sure the girl gets proper education and becomes a barrister.



Dynasty 1980


During the later years of the Kangxi Emperor's rule, his many sons were vying for the throne. The fourth prince, aided by Lusi, Nian Gengyao, and Han Chong, while the fourteenth prince had the support of martial arts master Zeng Jing. The competition between the two became intense. Lusi developed a romantic relationship with the fourth prince while Zeng Jing also had feelings for her, making their situation more complicated. Later, the fourth prince killed Kangxi and altered the imperial edict, successfully usurping the throne and naming himself Emperor Yongzheng. From then on, Yongzheng ruthlessly eliminated dissidents and even betrayed those who helped him, causing Lusi to regret her involvement. Ultimately, the fourteenth prince plotted to assassinate Yongzheng with the help of Zeng Jing and Lusi, igniting a fierce battle.


The Legend of Qin

The Legend of Qin 2007


The Legend of Qin follows the Qin dynasty from when the Emperor of the Qin, King Zheng conquered the other 6 nations and unified China, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who capture the capital city, Xianyang.


Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema

Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema 2018


As told through clips from 183 female directors, this epic history of the cinema focuses on women’s integral role in the development of film art. Using almost a thousand film extracts from thirteen decades and five continents, Mark Cousins asks how films are made, shot and edited; how stories are shaped and how movies depict life, love, politics, humour and death, all through the compelling lens of some of the world’s greatest filmmakers – all of them women.


The Herbalist's Manual

The Herbalist's Manual 2005


LI SHI CHUN (LAM MAN LUNG, FRANKIE), who has studied herbs since he was a little boy, loves a girl TUNG CHING (YE, MICHELLE). However, he is already engaged to NG MO YUNG (LEE SZE WAN). He plans to break off the engagement and reveal his feelings to CHING after taking the imperial civil examination. Unfortunately, when he returns home after the examination, CHING has already agreed to marry his brother (AL WAI). CHUN has no choice but to marry YUNG. He becomes the student of a renowned doctor LITTLE BUDDHA, who turns out to be CHING’s adopted father. CHUN finds out that the old medical books are full of mistakes. There are also all kinds of fake herbs in the market. Therefore, he decides to write a book called the Compendium of Materia Medica. He is appointed as an imperial doctor in the palace by the Duke of Chor...


The Physician of a Dying Time

The Physician of a Dying Time 1984


Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius. Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak Television Bratislava, directed by Slovak director Miroslav Luther in the first half of 80's in Barrandov Studios in Prague. The story and screenplay of the series wrote Czech writer Vladimír Körner. Five-episodes epic historical narration is a biographical story of distinguished Renaissance scholar, anatomist and politic of Slovak origin, Johannes Jessenius (Ján Jesenský, 1566–1621). It displays his life from the first studies and successes. In 1594 he became professor of surgery and anatomy on Wittenberg University, which he had attended years before. From that moment, his life went through social and personal wins and losses, to the sad end on the Prague Old Town Square gallows, among 27 noblemen, knights and burgenses, after lose Bohemian Revolt in 1621. His destiny was coupled with key events of Czech history in the break of 16th and 17th century, when Renaissance and European humanism slowly fade out.


Pathfinding to the Northeast

Pathfinding to the Northeast 2008


Zhu Kaishan, a man from Shandong joins settlers in northeast China during the mid-19th century. Amidst turmoil, his family embarks on a journey to reunite, facing numerous challenges as they navigate survival in an unstable era.


Legends of the Hidden Temple

Legends of the Hidden Temple 1993


In a Temple filled with lost treasures and protected by mysterious Mayan temple guards, six teams of two children compete to retrieve one of the historical artifacts in the Temple by performing physical stunts and answering questions based on history, mythology, and geography. After three elimination rounds, only one team remains, who then earns the right to go through the Temple to retrieve the artifact within three minutes and win a grand prize.


The Food That Built America

The Food That Built America 2019


The fascinating stories of the families behind the food that built America, those who used brains, muscle, blood, sweat and tears to get to America's heart through its stomach, those who invented new technologies and helped win wars.


News Treasury

News Treasury 2020


"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and the Baoshang Bank robbery to Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong and the Sha Tin measles outbreak, viewers can relive important moments in history. The show offers a chance to revisit key events that shaped modern Hong Kong.


Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2024


The Doctor and his companion travel across time and space encountering incredible friends and foes.


The History of Sweden

The History of Sweden 2023


The great story of our country. About the people and forces that shaped it - from the Ice Age to the present day. Simon J Berger is the narrator of the series. The program series consists of ten parts and is based on reconstructions of historical events and people. Over 300 experts have contributed to the content and 100 of them appear in the series. The series' signature melody is composed by Ludwig Göransson and Per-Gunnar Juliusson.