Les Crevettes pailletées

Les Crevettes pailletées 2019


Matthias Le Goff, olympijský vítěz na konci své kariéry, pronese v živém televizním vysílání homofobní poznámku. Za trest se stává trenérem Lesklých krevet - amatérského homosexuálního týmu ve vodním pólu. A ti myslí na jedinou věc: kvalifikovat se na Gay Games v Chorvatsku, kde soutěží ti nejžhavější LGBT sportovci z celého světa. Dokáže Matthias zajistit, aby se Lesklé krevety staly královnami bazénu?


Dětská hodinka

Dětská hodinka 1961


V soukromé dívčí škole vypukne skandál, když zlomyslná studentka Mary Tilfordová obviní dvě mladé ženy, které školu vedou, z lesbického vztahu. Nejlepší přítelkyně Karen Wrightová a Martha Dobieová jsou ředitelkami úspěšné soukromé dívčí školy v Nové Anglii. Mary Tilfordová, nenávistné, zlostné děvče, je přistiženo při lži a potrestáno. V touze po pomstě řekne své babičce, která je nepsanou vládkyní města, že Martha "žárlila” na Karenin vztah k dr. Joevi Cardinovi a dodá, že Marthina teta Lily pokládala tyto pocity za "nepřirozené”. Babička jí uvěří a vezme Mary ze školy. Pomluva se rychle šíří a během několika dní stojí Karen s Marthou před prázdnými učebnami. Joe je vyhozen z nemocnice za to, že se učitelek zastal a Karen s Marthou podávají žalobu pro urážku na cti v případu, který se ocitne na titulních stránkách novin v celé zemi.


Pro smilování!

Pro smilování! 2024


Jérémie se vrací do rodného města na pohřeb svého bývalého šéfa, vesnického pekaře. Rozhodne se zůstat několik dní u Martine, vdovy po tomto muži. Záhadné zmizení, výhružný soused a kněz s podivnými úmysly způsobí, že Jérémieho krátký pobyt ve vesnici nabere nečekaný směr…


Christmas at the Ranch

Christmas at the Ranch 2021


Když se Haley Hollisová vrací na rodinný ranč, aby se ho pokusila zachránit před zánikem, nepočítala s tím, že stráví tolik času s rančerkou Kate - nebo že se do ní zamiluje.


Sequin in a Blue Room

Sequin in a Blue Room 2019


Sequin si užívá nezávazných sexuálních radovánek až do chvíle, kdy na anonymní party potká tajemného muže. Ten ho zaujme natolik, že ho Sequin hodlá najít.



Nevrland 2019


Sedmnáctiletý Jakob žije se svým otcem a dědečkem v jednom malém bytě ve Vídni. Aby si vydělal nějaké peníze na studium, pracuje jako pomocná síla na jatkách, kde je zaměstnaný i jeho otec. Jakob bojuje s úzkostnou poruchou, která mu čím dál tím více komplikuje život. Jednou v noci pozná na erotickém video chatu šestadvacetiletého umělce Kristjana. Aniž by se ve skutečnosti potkali, začne mezi nimi vznikat virtuální přátelství. Teprve až po těžké ráně osudu sebere Jakob všechnu odvahu a vydá se na cestu do „Nevrlandu“, aby zahojil všechny rány ve své duš



Unconventional 2025


Unconventional is a bold, hilarious, and deeply authentic look at modern queer life. Created by six-time Emmy nominee Kit Williamson (EastSiders, Mad Men), this irreverent comedy follows Noah Guillory (Williamson), a queer millennial juggling a decade-long marriage, the uncertainty of fatherhood, and the chaos of academia—all while acting as a sperm donor for his sister’s wife.


Breakout Rolls

Breakout Rolls 2025


In this TTRPG actual play show, GM Russell Halvorson hosts a rotating table of Octopunk actors as they take on a new indie one-shot every week.


Solar Opposites

Solar Opposites 2020


A family of aliens from a much better world must take refuge in middle America after the destruction of their planet. Their mission: protect the Pupa, a living super computer that will one day evolve into its true form, consume them and terraform the Earth.


Heartbreak High

Heartbreak High 2022


A fresh look at Hartley High over 20 years on. With her new friends - outsiders Quinni and Darren - Amerie must repair her reputation, while navigating love, sex, and heartbreak.


A League of Their Own

A League of Their Own 2022


In 1943, Carson Shaw travels to Chicago to try out for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. There, she meets other women who also dream of playing pro baseball and makes connections that open up her world. Rockford local Max Chapman also comes to the tryouts but is turned away. With the support of her best friend Clance, she must forge a new path to pursue her dream.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Mary & George

Mary & George 2024


In 17th century England, Mary Villiers molds her beautiful son, George, to seduce King James I, intending to gain riches and influence through outrageous schemes.


We Are Lady Parts

We Are Lady Parts 2021


An anarchic, laugh-out-loud music comedy following a Muslim female punk band called Lady Parts, tracking the highs and lows of the band members as seen through the eyes of Amina Hussein — a geeky doctorate student who is recruited to be their unlikely lead guitarist.


The Founder of Diabolism

The Founder of Diabolism 2018


As the grandmaster who founded the Demonic Sect, Wei Wuxian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. Ultimately, he met his end at the hands of his dear adoptive brother, Jiang Cheng. Over a decade later, he finds himself incarnated into the body of a lunatic and runs into a former classmate, Lan Wangji. The two men with opposing personalities delve into the mysteries of spirits and ghosts, while Jiang Cheng suspects that Wei Wuxian has returned.



Legendary 2020


Pulling directly from the underground ballroom community, voguing teams (aka "houses") must compete in unbelievable balls and showcase sickening fashion in order to achieve "legendary" status.


Queer Aotearoa: We've Always Been Here

Queer Aotearoa: We've Always Been Here 2025


Join Eli Matthewson for a journey through the untold history of New Zealand's queer community, celebrating the resilience of trailblazers who pushed for an inclusive Aotearoa


When a Parrot Knocked on the Window

When a Parrot Knocked on the Window 2024


Denny and Lera were once deeply in love, but time and circumstances tore them apart. Years later, a unexpected phone call brings them face-to-face, rekindling emotions they thought were long buried. As they navigate the complexities of their reunion, new challenges arise, threatening to keep them apart once again. Faced with new obstacles, they must find the strength to overcome the odds and rediscover the happiness they once shared.


Teenage Kiss: The Future Is Dead

Teenage Kiss: The Future Is Dead 2023


In a dystopian Brazil where the Amazonian Forest was turned into an industrial park, a secret society of teenagers with special powers seeks to protect themselves from the adults and to fully before being struck by a dull, gray fate.


Black Fruit

Black Fruit 2024


When Lalo is thrown off course by the sudden death of his father, he suppresses his loss with impulsive actions that disrupt his life. While he and his best friend Karla, both in their mid-twenties, queer and Black in Germany, try to shape who they want to become, they are forced to grapple with the limits of their flexibility.


Queer for Fear: The History of Queer Horror

Queer for Fear: The History of Queer Horror 2022


A four-part documentary telling the story of LGBTQIA+ horror and the relationship between queer audiences and horror, and the queer horror community as a whole.


Love Club

Love Club 2023


In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Luz, Tim, Rose and Zhang, who all circle around the Love Club, touch on a path that will make them face their greatest fears. Will Luz be able to live the story with Roberta without the fear of losing her independence?


Winter Begonia

Winter Begonia 2020


Amidst political conflict and precariousness in 1930s Beiping, a wealthy businessman becomes captivated by a talented Peking opera performer.


Marahuyo Project

Marahuyo Project 2024


Join King as he journeys through the highly traditional town of Marahuyo, meeting new friends and finding love along the way as he lobbies to create the first LGBTQIA+ org in their campus.


The Ultimatum: Queer Love

The Ultimatum: Queer Love 2023


Five new couples, made up of women and non-binary people, are at a crossroads in their relationship. One partner is ready for marriage, the other may have doubts. An ultimatum is issued. And in just over eight weeks, each couple will either get married, or get out, after they each choose new potential partners in a life-changing opportunity to get a glimpse of two different futures.