Místo jménem Důstojnost

Místo jménem Důstojnost 2021


Dvanáctiletý Pablo dostane stipendium na škole v sektářské kolonii Dignidad, kterou na jihu Chile založili němečtí přistěhovalci. Brzy se stane oblíbencem místního vůdce, strýce Paula. Chlapec se postupem času stává svědkem podivných událostí. Na denním pořádku je zde násilí, zneužívání i mizení dětí, kterým nahánějí strach démonické bytosti. V tomto zvráceném světě se však schyluje k revoluci, která může být Pablovou jedinou šancí na útěk. Nechvalně proslulá kolonie Dignidad byla úzce spjata s režimem Augusta Pinocheta. Mladá generace země je připravena mluvit o tíživé historii, v níž kolonie Dignidad představuje jednu z nejtemnějších kapitol.


A Sinister Sect: Colonia Dignidad

A Sinister Sect: Colonia Dignidad 2021


A colony of German Christians with a charismatic and manipulative leader establishes itself in Chile and becomes instrumental to the dictatorship.



Dignity 2019


The Germanic cult 'Colonia Dignidad' abused children, tortured and killed prisoners in its secret compound. Now, with Chilean dictator Pinochet gone, Leo Ramírez, a young federal prosecutor, must bring its leader Paul Schaefer to justice.


Colonia Dignidad

Colonia Dignidad 2020


The self-proclaimed preacher Paul Schäfer gathered people around him in post-war Germany. The sect founded a youth home near Cologne. But in 1961 Schäfer had to flee. Many followers followed him to Chile. 350 kilometers south of Santiago, far away from civilization, they begin building the Colonia Dignidad. A supposed model village with workshops, agriculture, livestock breeding was being created. But paradise became hell because slave labor, violence and sexual abuse soon became a part of everyday life. After the military coup in 1973, Schäfer served the new rulers: secret police chief Manuel Contreras and dictator Augusto Pinochet now came and went in the colony, while the opponents of the terrorist regime are tortured and killed in the cellars. Using unpublished archive material and contemporary witness statements, this 4-part documentary miniseries traces the complex, 50-year history of perpetrators, victims, supporters and opponents of this place that became the epitome of evil.