
Záměna 1983


Velice úspěšného obchodníka Louse Winthorpa III. nahradí jeho zaměstnavatelé druhořadým podvodníkem Billy Rayem kvůli sázce o jeden dolar. Louse navíc zavřou do vězení kvůli drogám, příjde o snoubenku, postavení, peníze a dům. Louse se zhroutí načež se o něj postará prostitutka. Zato Billy si vede v nové práci výborně, ale zjistí, že to byla pouze sázka. Noví zaměstnavatelé se ho chtějí zbavit jejikož nesnáší černochy, proto se Billy spojí s Lousem a připravý past na vykutálené miliardáře.


Finty Dicka a Jane

Finty Dicka a Jane 2005


Dicku Harperovi se konečně vyplácejí roky jeho tvrdé práce po dlouhém čekání je povýšen na viceprezidenta společnosti Globodyne, světového leadera v oblasti konsolidace médií. Poté, co na své nové pozici stráví jeden den, je však Globodyne potopena ekonomickou katastrofou, která se podobá skandálu ve firmě Enron. A černý Petr zůstává v ruce Dickovi. Náhlá změna vrtkavé štěstěny udělala Dickovi, který si nestihl našetřit žádné peníze na horší časy, velkou čáru přes rozpočet. A místo horších časů přicházejí rovnou ty nejhorší Dick a Jane s hrůzou sledují, jak z jejich života postupně mizí pompézní dům na předměstí, luxusní auta i přátelé z vyšší společnosti. Tvrdá lekce od jeho amorálního zaměstnavatele mu však vnukne skvělý nápad: pokud bylo kradení dost dobré pro jeho šéfa, je dost dobré i pro něj. Spolu se svou milující ženou se proto rozhodne naplánovat velkolepou pomstu a dát velkému byznysu za vyučenou.


Jasmíniny slzy

Jasmíniny slzy 2013


Jasmine je elegantní, okouzlující a zhýčkaná dáma, která má vše, nač si vzpomene. Její zdánlivě idylické manželství s bohatým podnikatelem Halem i bezstarostný život se v jediný okamžik rozpadnou na kousky. Jasmine se stěhuje ke své sestře Ginger, která má skromný byt v San Francisku. Jenže útěk z pohádkového stereotypu není tak jednoduchý. Jasmine s nechutí přijímá práci recepční v zubní ordinaci, kde přitahuje nechtěnou pozornost svého šéfa. Přes všechno si hodlá i nadále zachovat aristokratické způsoby, i když je emocionálně na dně a jejím nejlepším přítelem je koktejl antidepresiv a alkoholu. Když potkává Dwighta, šarmantního diplomata, který je uchvácen její krásou, oduševnělostí a stylem, má dojem, že nachází novou životní cestu. Jenže co vlastně Jasmine od svého života opravdu čeká? Komediální drama Jasmíniny slzy vypráví o důsledcích, které mohou nastat, když lidé zavírají oči před realitou a pravdou, kterou nechtějí vidět.


Holky v balíku

Holky v balíku 2006


Tanzie a Ava, velmi bohaté sestry, jsou dědičkami rodinného majetku. Jednoho krásného dne se jejich pozlacený svět díky skandálu zhroutí. Jejich bohatství je pryč. Musí se postarat a řešit věci, kterými se nikdy nemusely zabývat!


Rush a vánoční ruch

Rush a vánoční ruch 2019


Jejich luxusní život se těsně před Vánocemi pořádně změní a ovdovělý rozhlasový DJ se čtyřmi rozmazlenými dětmi se musí uskromnit a spojit síly.


Arthur 2: S ledem

Arthur 2: S ledem 1988


Artur se vůbec nezměnil - neustále se drží sklenice s alkoholem, vyvolává skandály a miluje Lindu. Bert Johnson však zcela změní Arturův život právě ve chvíli, kdy může spolu s Lindou získat adoptivní dítě. Díky fúzi totiž ovládne Arturův majetek a nejlegračnější plejboj světa zůstane bez peněz. Artur teď musí učinit nemožné: sehnat práci.


Nový list

Nový list 1971


Zkrachovalý playboy aristokratického původu Henry Graham (Walter Matthau) má nečekané starosti - bohatý strýc (James Coco) mu zarazil apanáž do té doby, než se synovec konečně ožení. Zoufalému Henrymu tedy skončila éra prostopášných radovánek a úkolem číslo jedna se pro něj stává sehnat pokud možno movitou adeptku pro sňatek. Záhy ji nalezne v koktavé a roztržité botaničce Henriettě Lowellové (Elaine May). Aby se vlk nažral a koza zůstala celá, hodlá ji krátce po svatbě zavraždit. Jenže chladný stratég Henry nepočítá s tak prostým elementem, jako je cit..


Lekce života

Lekce života 2015


Viceprezident miliardového investičního fondu přijde o práci a skončí jako číšník v bistru. Zde se seznámí s bývalým vězněm, který mu udělí velkou životní lekci...


The Rich Son

The Rich Son 2018


Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.


2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls 2011


Comedy about the unlikely friendship that develops between two very different young women who meet waitressing at a diner in trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and form a bond over one day owning their own successful cupcake business. Only one thing stands in their way – they’re broke.


A Bird That Doesn't Sing

A Bird That Doesn't Sing 2015


A 10 billion won insurance murder case causes Oh Ha Naui to lose everything. She sets out to take revenge upon Chun Mi Ja who caused her misfortune.


Schitt's Creek

Schitt's Creek 2015


Formerly filthy rich video store magnate Johnny Rose, his soap star wife Moira, and their two kids, über-hipster son David and socialite daughter Alexis, suddenly find themselves broke and forced to live in Schitt's Creek, a small depressing town they once bought as a joke.


Sweet Diva

Sweet Diva 2019


Maria da Paz is a committed baker who becomes a wealthy businesswoman twenty years after a tragedy strikes on the day of her wedding to Amadeu. From this broken union a baby is born, Jô, who seeks power and despises her mother’s humble origins. Afraid that her parents’ reunion might spoil her plans, Jô starts an alliance with the charming Régis to convince Maria to marry him and, together, they plan to steal all of Maria’s fortune. In this exciting telenovela written by Emmy Awards winner Walcyr Carrasco, Maria’s optimism must be stronger than Jô’s ambition when the baker finds out about the betrayal and her own daughter’s dangerous secrets.


Piggy's Counterattack

Piggy's Counterattack 2021


A healing romantic comedy that subverts fairy tales, “The Three Little Pigs ” has fallen from the life of the rich into the ordinary world, reversing life from zero. A rich dad who started from scratch suddenly declared bankruptcy! They fell from the rich life into the ordinary world overnight, and were forced to leave the luxurious comfort zone. The three little pigs moved from the villa “mansion” into the old house “so narrow”, and a family who has forgotten the ordinary life long ago, can Carry the life of rough tea and light rice? How to reverse life from 0?


Brilliant Legacy

Brilliant Legacy 2009


A series of misunderstandings and unfortunate events conspire to shatter the once-promising life of girl from an affluent family.


Wonderful Mama

Wonderful Mama 2013


Wonderful Mama is a 2013 South Korean television series starring Bae Jong-ok, Jeong Yu-mi and Jung Gyu-woon. It premiered on April 13, 2013, and ended on September 22, 2013, airing on SBS every Saturday and Sunday at 20:40 for 48 episodes.


The Way You Shine

The Way You Shine 2023


An emergency call in the middle of the night awakens ZHOU Sin-xing’s 20-year happy life. The sudden death of her father and the revelation of his vast debts bring her tremendous pressure. Even her fiance wants to break the betrothal, lest he becomes affected.Within the blink of an eye, the young bride had fallen to her low. Instead, she restores her status from the bottom of life with her strong will, resilient character, and passion for baking. After several embarrassing yet adventurous incidents, she becomes tangled with an heir of a renowned food company.


Behind Your Smile

Behind Your Smile 2016


A curse condemns Zhao Yi Ting to immortality removing his ability to reincarnate. Living among mortal humans forever he toys with man's greedy tendencies and his life becomes cold and meaningless. But when he meets Lei Xin Yu, a young woman whose wealthy family has fallen on hard times, everything changes. He is drawn to Xin Yu in a way that he has not felt in a long time. Will Yi Ting discover a new lease on life through Xin Yu?


A Gentleman in Moscow

A Gentleman in Moscow 2024


Count Alexander Rostov finds himself going from riches to rags following the Russian revolution. A Soviet tribunal banishes him to the attic room of an opulent hotel, where, oblivious to the world outside, he discovers the true value of friendship, family and love.


War of Money

War of Money 2015


Tomio Shiraishi graduated from a prestigious university and now works for foreign securities company. He has a beautiful fiancée, Kozue Aoike, and no complaints with his life. One day, his father kills himself, leaving behind large debts. Tomio Shiraishi is liable for his father's debts. He pays what he can with his savings account, but it is not enough. He is chased by moneylenders. Tomio loses everything. His job, fiancée and savings. He then becomes homeless. Tomio Shiraishi then decides to work for Daisuke Akamatsu, who runs Akamatsu Finance. Akamatsu Finance is the company that drove Tomio Shiraishi to become homeless. The company looks like a normal finance company, but it actually lends money with high interest. Tomio Shiraishi decides to do anything, including illegal acts, to make money.


Potion of Love

Potion of Love 2022


Phuwasol had to fly back to Thailand, seeing his father take his life because of financial problem. All of property were seized and sold by bank. He and mother need to move to relative house at province. At here, meeting Chattawan, the naughty girl who seem to dislike his arrogant. He is always teased by her, to face with any supernatural incident at here.


Gents Jewel

Gents Jewel 2018


Hiran is a businessman. Life was going well for him, until his friend betrayed him by embezzling 10 million baht. Creditors were threatening to kill him. Because of his debt, he had to run away. But then fate brought him into hiding in a band. The villagers mistook Hiran as the only surviving descendant of Boonmee, the founder of the band who recently died. Hiran forms a bond with the band and the villagers, especially with Kaosuay who's the main singer. But things are not as easy as it seems when suddenly the real heir appears.


Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol 2020


A riches-to-rags pianist who loses everything but her smile is guided by twinkling little stars to a small town where she finds hope, home and love.


In Love with a Rich Girl

In Love with a Rich Girl 2004


Albee is a pampered, high-class young lady who has never experienced any hardship in her life. On her birthday, just when she expects to be proposed to by her long-time boyfriend Huang Bo Cheng, her life is turned upside down. Her father is forced to flee the country and she finds herself without a father, home, or even a boyfriend. Soon after she finds herself destitute, she reads in the tabloids that Huang Bo Cheng and her best friend Zhen Zhen have been secretly seeing each other. To make matters worse, she is being followed by a tabloid photographer. What will Albee do?


A Tale of Ylang Ylang

A Tale of Ylang Ylang 2022


Sroisabunnga was born into an aristocratic family and was taught to be proud of her heritage and blood. However, because her father was accused of being a rebel before his death, Sroi tries to raise herself to the high-class society again in order to restore her family's name and reputation. Her diligence and ambition drive her to be too arrogant — to be someone who will never give in to anyone.


Boys Over Flowers: Season 2

Boys Over Flowers: Season 2 2018


The setting of the drama takes place 10 years after the F4 graduated from Eitoku Academy. Edogawa Oto is the daughter of a former company president. Her life completely changed after their family business went bankrupt. Her fiance is Hase Tenma, the popular student council president of the rival school. With declining enrollment due to a recession and the rise of a rival school, Eitoku Academy is now ruled by the Correct5 whose leader is Kakuragi Haruto. The group seeks out, then runs out, any students whose families haven’t made appropriate donations to the school. When Haruto and Oto discover each other’s secrets — that Haruto buys self-help items to get stronger, and that Oto is poor and works at a convenience store – they promise to keep each other’s secret.


The Long Firm

The Long Firm 2004


The lives of characters who live, love and suffer through their association with the charismatic charms of gangster Harry Starks.