Klíčové slovo Adopted
Tři blízcí neznámí 2018
Bobby, Eddy a David přišli na svět v New Yorku na začátku 60. let jako jednovaječná trojčata. Hned po narození ale byli rozděleni a adoptováni různými rodinami. Nikdo z nich neměl tušení, že má na vlas stejné sourozence. Po necelých dvaceti letech se souhrou šťastných náhod setkali a jejich neuvěřitelný příběh se stal senzací Ameriky. Kdo a proč je rozdělil? Jak ovlivnilo mnohaleté odloučení jejich životy? Znepokojivé tajemství experimentování s lidskými osudy odhaluje dokumentární film Tima Wardla, který se stal diváckou senzací a porota festivalu v Sundance ho ocenila Zvláštní cenou.
Šimpanzi 2012
Vydejte se do srdce afrického deštného pralesa a poznáte Oskara, roztomilé šimpanzí mládě, které si umí užívat života. Svět pro Oskara a jeho kamarády představuje jedno velké hřiště, jež klidně mohou za chvilku obrátit vzhůru nohama. Jsou plní zvědavosti, touhy po objevování a radosti a s oblibou se opičí po ostatních, zároveň ale patří mezi nejzajímavější osobnosti zvířecího světa. Díky vysoké kvalitě obrazu budete mít příležitost zblízka sledovat Oskara i jeho příbuzné, jak se pohybují ve svém původním prostředí pralesa. Před vámi se odehraje inspirující dobrodružství plné odvahy a přirozeného kouzla. Příběh šimpanze Oskara si vás zkrátka získá.
The Thirteenth Year 1999
Upperdog 2009
Ordeal by Innocence 1984
Alice T. 2019
Liebestraum 1991
ഇവിടെ 2015
Our Very Own 1950
ജെമിനി 2017
Bombay Dreams 2004
Colors 2009
Family of strangers 1993
I'll Play Mother 2024
Swept Under 2022
Vaselinetjie 2017
Three Days in August 2016
Η Αγνή Του Λιμανιού 1952
Come Find Me 2020
The Shiunji Family Children 2025
The love between brother and sister. The love between man and woman. That which is most forbidden is most unyielding. The two sons and five daughters of the Shiunji family shine like brilliant gems, each with intelligence and beauty in equal measure. And with the pedigree of their wealthy father behind them, how could they not be the talk of the town? Eldest son Arata has spent his life being tossed around by the whims of his colorful sisters, yet a little teasing won't stop him from valuing his family over anything and anyone else. But when his youngest sister turns fifteen, their father reveals a long-hidden secret of the Shiunji “siblings” and knocks Arata's world off its axis…
Bravo, My Life 2022
Even though Seo Dong Hee comes from a poor family background, she has a bright and positive personality. She dreams of becoming a designer and slowly works her way to achieve her dream. She decides to become the mother of her nephew and raise him by herself. She also gets involved with Kang Cha Yeol. Kang Cha Yeol’s father runs a big company. His father wants him to work for his company, but Kang Cha Yeol doesn't want to. He wants to go back to the U.S., but he realizes he can't do anything without his father's financial support. His father tells Kang Cha Yeol to work for 1 year at his company.
Niño 2014
Sang Doo! Let's Go to School 2003
Orphaned at young age, abandoned by his uncle and later by his adoptive parents, Sang-doo’s life has been a succession of difficulties. At 27, he makes a living by seducing older women in order to support his daughter’s hospital fee. However, the love he has for his first love, Chae Eun-hwan, keeps him happy and optimistic. When he runs into Eun-hwan again, he decides to give another chance at his love and goes back to high school to be Eun-hwan’s student.
May Bukas Pa 2009
Santino, played by Zaijian Jaranilla, is an orphan boy who became a ward of the local parish church shortly after he was born and was thus raised by priests. Longing for the love of his biological mother, he crosses paths with Jesus whom he affectionately nicknamed "Bro". Upon being granted healing powers, Santino sets out to aid those surrounding him in his home town, from folks with illness, to hardened criminals and disillusioned men who bitterly left their faith.