Podmáznuté přijímačky 2021
Dokument o strůjci podvodu, díky kterému se děti bohatých a slavných dostávaly na nejlepší univerzity v USA.
Dokument o strůjci podvodu, díky kterému se děti bohatých a slavných dostávaly na nejlepší univerzity v USA.
Úspěšná spisovatelka Veronica Henleyová dokončuje své knižní turné a vrací se domů k manželovi a dceři. Šokující zvrat událostí však obrátí její život vzhůru nohama a uvrhne ji do děsivé reality, která ji donutí čelit své minulosti, přítomnosti i budoucnosti dříve, než bude pozdě. Vizionářští režiséři Gerard Bush a Christopher Renz a producent filmů Uteč a My přicházejí s provokativním thrillerem plným napětí a děsivých zvratů.
Alex spoléhá na to, že mu jeho dvojče Marcus poví o minulosti, o kterou kvůli ztrátě paměti přišel. Jenže Marcus skrývá temné rodinné tajemství.
Dokument o možnostech udržitelné budoucnosti hospodaření s vodou, který se zabývá inovacemi na pěti kontinentech naší planety od recyklace po generování energie z vody.
Buenos Aires, 1977. Vojenská diktatura. Spořádaný občan Claudio Tamburrini je unesen vojenskou tajnou policií do dnes již proslulého bývalého aristokratického sídla Mansión Seré. Tam byli krutě a rafinovaně mučeni odpůrci režimu. Někteří tam byli zavlečeni omylem. Nicméně odchod odtamtud byl téměř nemožný. Primitivní i inteligentní věznitelé se střídají ve vymýšlení různých druhů psychického i fyzického utrpení. Film je téměř detailním popisem skutečné události, kterou režisérům zprostředkovali dosud žijící účastníci útěku. V argentinské kinematografii existuje jen málo snímků snažících se reflektovat neradostnou minulost. Adrián Caetano se podobným tématům věnuje ve všech svých filmech, v posledním se však poprvé pokouší o dokumentární rekonstrukci.
V zákulisí konstrukce ikonické Eiffelovy věže je ukrytý příběh o neuvěřitelných problémech, které jí nevyhnutelně předcházely. Navrhnout a vztyčit třísetmetrovou věž ze železa a oceli nebylo jen tak, ale drama zahrnuje mnohem více než jen sváry soupeřících architektů. Významný a přelomový moment v historii strojírenství a techniky se stal počátkem radikálních změn. Ty postupně vedly k ostrému střetu mezi železem a kamenem, inženýrstvím a architekturou i moderním designem a starými osvědčenými postupy. Mediální kampaně v tisku, nekonečné lobbování, veřejně pořádané konference, očerňování soupeřů a shazování konkurenčních stavebních projektů, chlubení se velkými a významnými jmény – všechny strany usilující o stavbu Eiffelovy věže se zapojily do zuřivé bitvy bez ústupků.
A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate.
Each pulse-pounding hour-long episode centers around an incredible and dangerous romance. Shocking crime, kidnapping or even murder is only half of the story! In the end, the “true love” that draws these couples together isn’t the kind that celebrates silver anniversaries – instead it leads to cross-country manhunts, bizarre cover-ups and dramatic trials. Driven by powerful, real-life stories, Fatal Attraction weaves together intimate, first-person interviews, exclusive interrogation footage and rare archival material. Along the way, it gives you a glimpse into the dark heart of a dangerous romance. Listen as the key players, family of the survivors and those that investigated the horrific crimes reveal the secrets to each sordid tale. Fatal Attraction… because love doesn’t just hurt, it can kill!
When marriages fall apart, divorce can turn ugly - even deadly. From blushing brides turned cold-blooded killers to smitten grooms with shocking dark sides, the criminal psychology behind deadly divorces is examined. Guiding viewers through actual stories of love gone wrong are psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser and forensic psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, who analyze each couple to better understand how the marriage turned from flawed to fatal. .
Homicide detectives David Quinn and Vince Velazquez are veterans of the Atlanta Police Department. They are sitting down to share some of the grittiest stories of their careers. Quinn and Velazquez recall these cases and talk about their personal experiences while solving the crimes. They have tackled hundreds of cold cases together, with anything from murder to everyday crime, and they try to bring these criminals to justice and give peace to the victims' families.
A snap of a twig. A rustling leaf. In the woods, myth, urban legend, and horror collide with real-life killers. Transporting viewers into a vortex of dark mystery and psychological terror, each episode tells the true story of a crime set in a desolate location.
Doctors recount the most memorable cases they’ve ever encountered. Unusual, touching, humorous or life-changing – no story is too big or too small when it comes to the ER.
Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.
These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.
Anthology series based on real criminal cases, featuring an interview with the actual perpetrator at the end of each episode.
The personal stories behind eight cases of wrongful conviction that the Innocence Project and organizations within the Innocence Network have worked to highlight and overturn.
Real crimes, disease outbreaks and accidents around the world are solved by experts using scientific laboratory analysis which helps them find previously undetectable evidence. Brilliant scientific work helps convict the guilty and free the innocent.
Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.
Spine-tingling crimes that take viewers on a ride of twists and turns, complete with jump-out-of-their-seats moments and chilling conclusions. This show uses classic suspense film techniques to follow some of the creepiest, most harrowing crimes ever committed, as these victims' darkest dreams become unfathomable realities.
A true crime series featuring the salacious and shocking stories of women who have been arrested for a crime they did in the name of love. From a killing spree across the mid-west to being an inside informant at the DEA and from murdering an unsupportive mother to robbing fifteen banks in under a year, these women have no limits as to how far they’ll go for their men.
Dramatic documentary about the birth of the American Republic and the struggle of a loosely connected group of states to become a nation.
Swamps, bogs, marshes, bayous and riverbeds can be murky, dark, crazy places, but when a body pops up, things get downright mysterious. Through stylish recreations, Swamp Murders will bring the viewer into the the subculture that's captivating America.
Pull back the curtain on bizarre double lives and see the real stories of men and women who thought they were happily married, until the day they uncovered a shocking secret about their spouse leading them to wonder who it is they really fell in love with.
The fascinating cases of every day, seemingly average moms, wives and girlfriends accused of murder. Did they really do it? And if so, why?
"The Perfect Murder" brings viewers some of the most diabolical, perplexing murder cases to land on detectives’ desks – the kind of cases that make or break careers and provide fodder for Hollywood mystery movies. These ingenious killers are every detective’s worst nightmare. Whether by planting false evidence, or writing anonymous letters to police, these murderers will stop at nothing to stay one step ahead and get away with the perfect murder. Detectives hit dead end after dead end, and wrong suspects are discarded. But one new clue can lead to another and the cold case suddenly gets hot. The truth is that it is the perfect murder -- until it's not.
These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dramatises some of the scariest stories, revealing a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so powerful that innocent people become forced to deal with them decades later. Through mesmerizing first-person accounts, the mystery and origin of each haunting is powerfully revealed and leaves a lingering sense that life—and death—are much stronger then anyone could have possibly imagined.