Klíčové slovo Vice Squad
Impulse 1990
Vice Squad 1953
Baantjer: Het Begin 2019
Mírný policejní detektiv, který se čerstvě ocitl v bouřlivém Amsterdamu roku 1980, se ocitá v závodě s časem, když narazí na násilné spiknutí proti nizozemské královské rodině.
Les chiens chauds 1980
Vice Raid 1959
Gambling with Souls 1936
Shanghai Vice 1999
In a city where heroin dealing can bring the death sentence, drug rings mean business…and so do the police. The activities of the city’s vice squad – including high-level sting operations and the interrogations of murder suspects and drug runners - are at the heart of the stories.
Liverpool 1 1998
Day to day, on the streets, they're at the sharp end of the fight against the drug pushers, porn barons, paedophiles and pimps who run this great port's crime networks. In this dark unequal world DC Isobel de Pauli is a stranger - not to crime, but to the ancient, unseen blood connections that pulse in the veins of Liverpool's criminals... and cops.