Pierre Boulle Escape from the Planet of the Apes The Bridge on the River Kwai Planet of the Apes Un métier de seigneur Noc bez konca Life, Liberty and Pursuit on the Planet of the Apes Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes La face Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Battle for the Planet of the Apes Planet of the Apes Farewell to the Planet of the Apes Back to the Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes Planet of the Apes Test Reel The Forgotten City of the Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes Rise of the Planet of the Apes Dawn of the Planet of the Apes War for the Planet of the Apes Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Apostrophes Apostrophes Apostrophes Apostrophes