Mothernet 1970
Rama, a 16 year old teenager, must face reality after a tragic accident that left his mother in a coma. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Rama and his father try to face their new reality.
Rama, a 16 year old teenager, must face reality after a tragic accident that left his mother in a coma. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Rama and his father try to face their new reality.
Kota, trapped in a confined space, watches her friend Alam dance freely in nature. Alam’s graceful movements reflect the harmony with the environment. In contrast, Kota’s dance is a desperate response to her restrictive surroundings, mirroring her mother’s struggles. As Alam extends a hand of friendship, Kota gradually breaks free from her confinement, learning to embrace the natural world and dance harmoniously with her friend.