Gene Milford La llei del silenci El comte de Montecristo Sola en la foscor Horitzons perduts Blondie Plays Cupid The New Interns Un rostre en la multitud La caça de l’home Platinum Blonde That Funny Feeling El pistoler Esplendor a l’herba En marxa Cada cop més alt The Falcon in Hollywood The Falcon Out West Confessions of Boston Blackie The Pusher The Pusher The Man with My Face Arizona Incident at Phantom Hill Mr. Boggs Steps Out El gran robatori Vengeance Fighting Shadows Shakedown The Thrill Hunter Forbidden Trail Tarzan's Revenge Strange Bedfellows Texas Across the River Brief Moment One Night of Love The World at War Torn Between Two Lovers Flight My Woman Taras Bulba Això s’ha de celebrar Els homes del clan Love Me Forever Breaking Up It Can't Last Forever Home to Stay Miracle on 34th Street W The Steagle No Place to Run Baby Doll The Public Menace The Shamrock and the Rose El cel de la Xina Safari a Malàisia Compte enrere And Baby Makes Six The Big Timer Grand Exit The World Beyond Salvatge i encantador El dia dels tramposos The Devil's Cage Ladies at Ease Having Wonderful Crime Too Tough to Kill Com vaig arribar a ser agent de la CIA El mikado The 9th Guest A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Look to Lockheed for Leadership The Man Without a Country Say It with Diamonds World Assembly of Youth World Assembly of Youth