William Bryant La Pantera Rosa The Karate Killers La cursa del segle The Missouri Traveler Walking Tall Part II Corvette Summer A Bullet for Joey King Dinosaur Steel Cowboy The Other Side of the Mountain: Part II Escape from San Quentin Sky Commando Mountain Family Robinson Hell Squad McQ The 49th Man City Beneath the Sea Prison for Children The New Healers Els perseguidors implacables Hondo and the Apaches The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler Com matar la pròpia dona Xantatge a una dona The Child Stealer Chisum Inside Detroit The Andersonville Trial Gridlock Half Nelson When Willie Comes Marching Home Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack La rebel·lió dels simis Heaven with a Gun Powderkeg Ride Beyond Vengeance The Animals Death in Space Els últims supervivents Dos homes contra l’oest The Billion Dollar Threat The Hanged Man El virus de Satan Operació Pacífic Women in Chains Death Scream Macho Callahan Black Noon The Other Side of the Mountain The Stranger Cave-In! Two-Minute Warning Presta’m el teu marit Mayday at 40,000 Feet! People Will Talk The Legend of the Golden Gun Gable and Lombard Purple Heart Diary The Flight of the Grey Wolf Amazon Women on the Moon The Macahans Gunsmoke Switch Hondo The Rifleman Batman: The Animated Series Colombo Colombo Behind Closed Doors Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Hawaii Five-O The Rockford Files Code R Beyond Westworld Mission: Impossible S’ha escrit un crim Buck Rogers al Segle XXV Battlestar Galactica Falcon Crest