Leonid Raab Follow Me Quietly Ordre: Caça sense treva Amor que mata Johnny Eager La meva dolça geisha Històries de Filadèlfia Rebel·lió a bord Cry Wolf Beloved Infidel No Minor Vices Hotel Berlin Three Godfathers Rebeca Devotion Nazi Agent Camí fosc The Night Is Young Boys Town Destination Tokyo Miracle in the Rain Sporting Blood Ninotchka Tenir-ne o no Aquesta terra és meva Dones Mr. Skeffington El crepuscle dels déus The War Wagon Cimarron Stallion Road Decision Before Dawn Torpede Only the Valiant The Furies June Bride Acro-Batty La dona pantera The Unsuspected Va arribar fins al final Days of Glory Testimoni de càrrec China Seas Nostradamus The Man on the Rock Comandament perdut The Great Heart That Mothers Might Live Camarada X Alias Nick Beal Further Prophecies of Nostradamus Chained What Every Woman Knows Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President Bataan Fingers at the Window Bravest of the Brave Escala a Hawaii Conquest Taras Bulba The Ice Follies of 1939 The Shining Hour Above Suspicion The Blue Veil Eyes in the Night The Sundowners The Story of Dr. Jenner Hot on Ice Man's Greatest Friend Mad Love Maisie Gets Her Man Pride of the Marines Nora Prentiss What About Daddy?